Monday, May 7, 2012

T'was the gay before Christmas...

T'was the gay before Christmas...

I thought of those gay children, effeminate children, in actuality they were just children, who were being bullied to the point where they felt the only option they had was taking their own life. Those children who won’t see any Christmas’s nor feel the Holiday warmth because they were made to feel hated and somehow unworthy of the most basic and sacred of human rights and emotions which we all take for granted, the right to love and to be loved unconditionally. This poem is for them and for those going through what they went through.)

T’was the gay before Christmas, is what the bullies would say. Fairy’s and sissies get no gifts, no Christmas for gays. As they punched and they hit, teased and they laughed. I wondered if I would get presents, like I did the year last. 

My how I feared that Santa and God would find out, that I liked boys and dresses, dolls and hair presses, I was gay, with no doubt. 

I thought well if they hated me, then I would hate them both, I thought I don’t need Christmas plus, my family was broke. No toys and no fun, no holiday cheer, I pondered, most likely punishment, for the gays and the queers. 

But when I got home, My mom had a tree, with presents beneath and some were for me. I became scared and ran upstairs in a fright, surely god had been here and Santa? Would be there tonight. 

He must have made a mistake, These gifts couldn’t be mine. They told me Santa and God both hated the gays, So of course they hated me and all of my kind. 

My mother saw I was trembling and asked what was wrong, I told her I hated the tree, the decorations and the holiday songs. She asked me why and I finally told her my fears. She gave me a hug as crumbled to tears. 

As she hugged me so tight I thought I would pop, she said “ I know you feel your right, but baby, your not. Tomorrow you’ll see, so in me please trust. By morning you'll have proof both Santa and God loves everyone of us. 

I fell fast asleep with my heart full of fear, But before I fell deep, I swear I heard bells and maybe reindeer. In the morning, I woke with a scare, the Christmas tree pine still hung on the air, In my heart I knew they must have been there, so as quick as a flash, I ran down the stairs. 

But then I thought, as I got, to the very last step, why so excited? They hate you remember? and so, I fell and I wept. My Mother found me and picked me up real tight, kissed my cheek and told me, it would be all right. 

As she walked towards the tree, I saw all of the toys, mama told me both Santa and God did not care, if I liked girls or if liked boys. With tears in her eye she said “It’s true, they love everyone alike, which means of course they love you.”

My eyes opened, as wide as can be, I finally realized, Santa and God, would always love me! I got dolls with long locks and brushes too, just what I wanted, So I knew it was all true. 

The bullies were wrong and lied out of spite, they wanted to keep me, from my future, because my future was bright. But I did survive, through the difficult and murky, I vowed never again to let hate win, make me afraid or hurt me. 

38 Christmas’s I have seen ,and to this I still hold, Christmas, Santa and God loves everyone, because everyone matters, no matter what’ve you been told. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!

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