Tuesday, May 15, 2012



Ferox Hecate, Ferox Hecate, Ferox Hecate, Ferox, Hecate, Ferox Hecate, Ferox Hecate venire foras! donatus me tuus sacer custodia! Donatus me tuus magnus potestas et sapientia!

TRANSLATION: Hecate the warlike, Hecate the warlike, Hecate the warlike, Hecate the warlike, Hecate the warlike, Hecate the warlike, Hecate the warlike! Come forth and grant me your sacred protection! Grant me your great power and wisdom!

Hecate Mater Dea de Luna et veneficium magia venire foras cum argentum ignis! Tegere omnis, defendere omnis, Dare me tuus sacer potestas, tuus sacer custodia divina! Dare tuus venia ad me, mea originis et mea amicitae! Benedictionalis!

TRANSLATION: Hecate, Mother Goddess of the Moon and of Sorcery come forth with silver fire! Protect all, defend all, give me your sacred power, your sacred and divine protection! Give your favor to my family and my friends! Blessings!

Argentum ignis de luna magnus uro animae malum,uro omnis daemonae et uro omnis mortae malum! Argentum ignis de luna uro animae malum, uro daemonae et uro omnis mortae malum! Argentum ignis de luna uro animae malum, uro daemonae et uro omnis mortae malum!

TRANSLATION: Silver fire of the full moon burn spirit, demon and all evil dead! Silver fire of the full moon burn evil spirits, evil demons and all evil dead! Silver fire of the full moon burn evil spirits, demons and all evil dead! Silver fire of the full moon burn evil spirit, demon and all evil dead!

Hecate virginis, Hecate Mater, Hecate Atavia te citus! Venire foras et significavi tuus potestas intro mea vita! Audire me! Hecate virginis, Hecate Mater, Hecate Atavia te citus! Venire foras et significavi tuus potestas intro mea vita! Pro omnis aeternitas!

TRANSLATION: Hecate the virgin, Hecate the Mother, Hecate the thrice great Grandmother I call thee! Come forth and show your power in my life! Hear me! Hecate the virgin, Hecate the Mother, Hecate the thrice great Grandmother I call thee! Come forth and show your power in my life! For all eternity!

Cum potestas coercitiva de argentum ignis uro omnis malum intro mea vita! Te expellere! Uro omnis animae malum te expellere! Uro omnis mortae malum intro mea vita te expellere! Uro omnis daemonae intro mea vita te expellere! Cum vis potestas de ferox Hecate trismegistus et luna magnus te imperium obscuritas arquu, sucumbere aut uro ex mea argentum ignis. Fortissimus argentum ignis de Hecate Trismegistus.

TRANSLATION: By the compelling power of silver fire I burn all evil within my life. Burn all evil spirits and all evil dead within my life. Cum vis potestas de ferox Hecate thrice great and the full moon, I command darkness to bow, surrender or burn from my silver fire. Powerful silver fire of Hecate the thrice great.

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