Friday, June 19, 2015


Every soul that is born has a life mission.This life mission marks your soul. When you pass on, your life mission changes but it doesn't end. It doesn't end because you don't end. You continue to evolve. Just not in the physical state of being your used too.

Life Missions vary from soul to soul. Some souls could have been born to teach compassion, empathy, unconditional love  and perseverance. So, they may have genetic, physical or psychological challenges to surmount in this life. These people are powerful teachers and the lessons their lives, their struggles and their triumphs inspire our own potential for greatness. There are other souls who were born to save others. We can use all manner of means to execute our missions and we are even born with innate skills that enable us to accomplish our specific life missions. You can gage a person's mission in life by not only their lot in life, but how they make you feel. All missions are sacred. All missions matter. Other souls were born to teach humility,charity and gratitude . So they are usually the poor, the homeless and the hungry and those who work to help the poor the homeless and the hungry. When we find ourselves repulsed by someone, it is usually because we fear the mission they represent. Some missions are harder than others. So hard in fact, most of us ignore it all together.

We tend to forget our life missions over time when we get distracted by our  immediate physical needs. Our spirit and soul take the back seat and our need for food, sex, communication, community, survival takes the lead. Then our ego pushes our spirit further back as we intoxicate our senses with our wants, desires, habits, possessions, and our prefered and projected identity. Amidst all this, our mission becomes dormant. Our skills for this mission become dormant and we lose ourselves to who we think we are or who we think others want us to be. Those who are hate filled, angry, violent and negative are disconnected from their mission entirely and this hurts their soul. It hurts so much so, that all they can give, take, see and know from the world is, hurt. Some people are so dead inside that they know what their mission is but they just don't care! But there mission is still within them. Waiting to be discovered, dormant and silent. Our mission never goes away. This mission is a multitude of missions within a mission. Many in one.

The missions we are born with are infinite and the life lessons even more so, but one life mission is the hardest of all of them. The mission that very few souls accept because of the difficulty it entails. This life mission is the mission of the "decoy".

The life mission of a "decoy" is challenging. They are the souls That elected to be the "lightening rod" if you will, to lure high amounts and all manner of negativity, away from other souls, so that other souls don't have to suffer experiences that would compromise their mission on life. The decoy is like a spiritual "line backer" in the sense that, they're very existence is a mixture of defense and offense. They naturally tackle negativity, block it and cover others from it. Without even knowing that their doing it. Its instinctive. They are built to handle gargantuan amounts of negativity and negativity seems to always find them. Even when they aren't looking for it. People who are born with the decoy mission, are resilient, kind hearted, ruthless when protecting those they love and forgiving when they are hurt but pathologically vindictive if you hurt those they love. They are usually the souls that have lived a hard and dark life (at least in their current one!) but somehow still retain an innocence about them and can still be soft hearted. They never start trouble but will usually be the ones who end it.

The decoy mission, being one of the most hardest is reserved for old souls. They are not just expected to be decoys, but they also have to teach, learn, be patient, suffer, heal and heal others. As many as possible.  While being a lightening rod.

So, the next time you judge people, look at their soul and think for minute. What kind of mission is the person your judging on? Healer? Teacher? Warrior? Comforter? Their are many missions. Are they a Decoy? Are you? What mission is your soul on? Do you even care?  If you do, you'll remember all missions are sacred and none more important than the other, you just might be that persons lesson. In fact, they might even be yours.