Thursday, July 18, 2019

Super Heroes 101: "HOW TO FIGHT EVIL."

Super Hero 101: "HOW TO FIGHT EVIL"

When I was a child I figured out that I could do things. Magical things. Read people, tarot cards, see, hear and feel the dead, communicate with elementals and much more. I was 12 years old when I decided to explore these gifts. That was when, I decided to fight evil. As a child, I saw evil as a singular tangible force that opposed everything good. Like criminals, black magicians and anything and everything that opposed my idea of what good was. I used to think fighting evil was like the comic books I used to read, punching and kicking the bad guys or dropping spells on those dastardly black magicians and all would be made right and good saves the day. I look back at my innocence and naiveté and smile with both love and sadness for how little my child self knew in those days. How much my mother struggled to keep the darkness of the world at bay to keep my childhood and innocence intact. Thanks, mama. I know it was almost an impossible task.

Now, as an adult I understand that good and evil are subjective polarities. They are subjective interpretations of how we preceive the world and the actions and reactions with in it. Are people who don't worship god like you do, evil? Are people evil because they don't worship god at all? Are people good because they go to church every sunday? Are people good if they follow the law even though in following the law, they destroy innocent lives? Nothing in this world is black and white. Nothing in this world is as simple as good and evil. Nothing in this world is as it seems and quite possibly, it never was.

In this world, one's hero is another person's villain and one's villain another person's hero. In the end it doesn't really matter because in the fullness of time, we collectively destroy,  outgrow or forget both. This is because in the fullness of time, good evolves into evil and evil evolves into good. This cycle or process is part of our very evolution and can take decades,  centuries or even a couple of millennia and is often a very painful process.

Evil is not tangible. It isn't something you can fight with old fashioned fisticuffs or Kung Fu kicks. Evil, true evil, is amorohous. It is hate, superiority, greed, racism, weaponized ignorance, bigotry, corruption, sociopathy, the dehumanization and demonization of others that don't agree, look or act like you, its the weaponization of fear, hate and religion to subjugate the already disenfranchised. Evil is the persecution of the innocent and the villianization of innocents by the very ones doing the persecution. Its the justification of murder and use of the law to terrorize, abuse and kill those the law swore to protect. Evil is Gestapo-esque organizations rounding up people for deportation for being in a country illegally even though this country was and currently is, stolen land and our very Government from its very inception, is the true and original illegal interloper. Not everyone who disagrees with you is your enemy or evil nor is everyone who agrees with you, your friend or good. It's not that simple. Nothing has ever been that simple. Nothing.

So, how do you fight an amorphous and indefinite evolutionary principle that all things must go through or experience in order to evolve and grow? How do you fight against evil? You study it. You study how it was created, how it manifested, you investigate it's roots, what nurtures it, you study it's appeal to others who may advocate, tolerate, are complicit with it and those who embrace it, you study how it corrupts. Evil is much like a virus in that it follows the same behavioral patterns a virus does. Evil will infiltrate, infect, mulitply and corrupt. When fighting any kind of evil follow this simple formula: filtration (filtering), disinfection (cleaning), decreasing (reducing) and purging (removing and purifying). This formula can be implemented in the fight against perceived evil by perceiving/using this formula as a concept, principle and/or process that can be modified for any medium or platform. You can even upgrade your current strategies of fighting evil by retrofitting them with this simple formula.

Always remember, truly fighting evil starts inside us. By looking inside our selves and being honest about who we are, our justifications, our passions, our motives, our agendas, our fears and acknowledging what we're doing to others and why. Once we've fought the evil inside ourselves, we will have the experience and power to fight the complicated and intangible evil in the world.

Friday, May 3, 2019



This Sigil is to help you develop your third eye, psychic and empathic abilities. It also has the added benefit of spiritual, psychic, empathic protection and healing. This sigil can be used to clear out subconscious and unconscious fears negativity, blockages and cleanse your aura.


Rays of light manifesting in the colors pink ( Self-love), Green (healing and transmutation), Yellow (Spiritual Protection), Violet/ Purple (Spiritual Ascension, transcendence, psychic energy) White (Purifucation) and Black (The subconscious and unconscious mind, all things hidden).


A triangle which is used in occult practice to invoke, conjure or to bring energy into being. The eye is symbolic of your third eye and your psychic/ empathic abilities. Within the eye is the infinite and eternal living light symbol which brings eternal, infinite, living energy to you.

I also placed the alchmical symbol for purification within the eye. It's almost unnoticeable but your subconscious and unconscious mind will see it and it will assist in cleansing negative thoughts and blockages you may not be aware of.


First take a deep breath and hold it consciously relaxing your entire body then exhale slowly. Do this at least 10 times.


1) Close your right eye and look at the Sigil with your left eye and count to 100 slowly.

2) Close your left eye and look at the sigil with your right eye and count to 100 slowly.

3) With both eyes open look at the entire Sigil art. Understand the colors and what they mean. What do these colors make you feel? Pink, Green, yellow, violet. White and black. What memory or image comes to your mind for each color? From that memory or image what emotion is attached to that memory or image? Feel and understand that emotion.

4) Close BOTH of your eyes and visualize the sigil in your mind as detailed as possible. Do this as you count to 100 slowly.

To finish...

Take a deep breath and hold it consciously relaxing your entire body then exhale slowly. Do this at least 10 times.

Thursday, May 2, 2019



"The earth is full.
The water no longer slakes our thirst.
Man wars with man as he curses the land.
The sun burns hotter.
The air becomes poison.
Hidden is the slaughter.

Nature intercedes by cutting the seeds by half. Ever so subtle she separates the wheat from the chaff. Slow and measured is her inevitable wrath.

The time of Monarchs is done. After so many wars fought, still no country has won. The secret to peace forever ignored is power shared rather than power stored. Animals become more than what they were, hidden beings become seen as they now begin to stir.

Have a care and be aware, the time is now the future as always, is reserved for mulling as Mother nature with scythe in hand, will soon begin the culling.

The earth is full.
The water no longer slakes our thirst.
Man wars with man as he curses the land.
The sun burns hotter.
The air becomes poison.
Hidden is the slaughter..."

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The sigil of the ascension of the dead was designed to symbolize the transmutation process the dead must go through before they can ascend and cross over into the light. On the left side of the sigil is the alchemical symbol for purification. The dead must purify themselves by letting go of their physical life and trust the living they leave behind will be cared for and are strong enough for what they will encounter. They must purify themselves by resolving any guilt issues, traumas, hurts and heal from any psychological, emotional and spiritual damage done to them. All dead must go through this purification process which is a natural cycle of the death state. Once the process of purification is over, the dead then are given a chance to perfect their “ethos” or “essence” by assisting other dead  in their purification process which in the sigil is symbolized by the alchemical symbol of “essence”,“quintessence” or “Soul.” The final stage in the ascension process for the dead is the becoming one with the light and crossing over into that light which is believed to be a super massive being of spiritual and multi-dimensional living light that all things are a part of. Everything within creation is part of this multi-dimensional and multi-universal being and everything within creation returns to it as all things are manifestations of it. This final process is symbolized by the elemental symbol of phosphorous which also is the alchemical and occult symbol for light. The three stages the dead must go through before their ascension is depicted by the three labyrinths or mazes formed in the shape of the Philosopher’s Stone. 


Monday, April 8, 2019


This is a Sumerian / Akkadian anti-possession sigil.  "ASALLUHI" Spelled in cuneiform from top to bottom in the middle. Asalluhi is the ancient Sumerian God of Sorcery & Exorcism. "NURA" smaller cuneiform writing means "light." The smaller sigils are the Philosopher's Stone sigils filled with the symbol for infinite light. This sigil was designed to prevent spiritual possessions or attachments from negative entities, energies and the inhuman presence.


This sigil for the conjuration of the dead is the same as the one above it for the exception that it has the “Infinite light” sigil which serves as a protective symbol and filter to repel and ward off negative entities and energies and only allows for the successful conjuration of the dead and beings oriented towards the light.


This sigil is a basic conjuration sigil for the dead. This sigil can be utilized to conjure or communicate with the dead.  It is the 3rd dimensional Philosopher’s Stone with two invocation triangles superimposed on both the upper right and left. The triangle on the upper left: Symbolizes invocation, the circle in the middle of the triangle symbolizes spirit and the spirit world with a skull in the middle of the circle symbolizing the dead. The Triangle on the upper right: Symbolizes invocation, the circle in the middle of the triangle symbolizes spirit and the spirit world and planetary symbol for Saturn within the circle. Saturn was and is associated with death, time, endings, births, cycles and harvest. This sigil is an open sigil in that it does not have a filter or protective symbols so the portal it opens is unprotected.


The Sigil of bringing light to the dead is adorned by the laurel leaf crown of victory, The 3rd dimensional Philosopher’s Stone Sigil denoting the 3rd dimension or the psychicaland material world enclosed by the circle denoting spirit, the Sumero-Akkadian writing above the invocation triangle spells from top to bottom “NURA” which means light and at the top as if crowning the sigil itself is the compound symbol of phosphorous and over the symbol of infinity which denotes the invocation of infinite light. This sigil is designed to open a portal of light for the dead. This portal will heal, deliver sustenance to the dead which is infinite light and to facilitate crossing the dead over. 


The Sigil of bringing light to the dead is adorned by the laurel leaf crown of victory, a triangle of the invocation of the dead symbolized by the skull enclosed in a circle which symbolizes spirit, the Sumero-Akkadian writing above the invocation triangle spells from top to bottom “NURA” which means light and at the top as if crowning the sigil itself is the compound symbol of phosphorous and over the symbol of infinity which denotes the invocation of infinite light. This sigil is designed to open a portal of light for the dead. This portal will heal, deliver sustenance to the dead which is infinite light and to facilitate crossing the dead over.


This Sigil is the classic Philosopher’s Stone symbol with an added triangle in the center of it’s circle. The triangle is programmed with a compound symbol; the symbol for phosphorous fused on top of the symbol of infinity which becomes the new symbol of “infinite light”, which imbues the sigil of manifestation so when activated by incantations and candle light, the portal that opens is one of infinite light. This sigil can be used for meditation as well.


This is a basic “open” necromancy sigil to invoke the dead. “Open” meaning that there is no filter or protective symbols or wards to repel hostile energies or entities. All sigils are portals and necromancy sigils are portals to the spirit world and a direct link to the dead. Another open portal would be the Ouija board. I like to implant filters, protective symbols, magical scripts and ancient dead languages to prevent negative energies, entities and inhuman presences form manifesting through the portal being created by the Sigils.


This is my personal Philosopher’s Stone Symbol. It is two 4th dimensional Philosopher’s Stone symbols merged together becoming an eighth dimensional Philosopher’s Stone sigil. This symbol helps me connect with my seven souls, higher planes of existence, celestial states of being, ascension awareness, ascended energies, dimensions, entities and living light.


The 4th dimensional Philosopher’s Stone consists of a 4th dimensional sphere, a 4th dimensional square (a tesseract.) and a 4th dimensional tetrahedron. This symbol when used in meditation can open your mind to 4th dimensional awareness, energies and insights that were not available to you before. Through meditation this symbol can assist in the development of a deeper connection with our conscious and collective conscious mind and strengthen our psychic, empathic and psychokinetic abilities as well as our control over them.


The third dimensional Philosopher’s Stone is composed of a three dimensional sphere, a three dimensional tetrahedron and a cube. This symbol awakens your mind and all levels of consciousness therein, to the third dimension. In order to evolve past the third dimension you need to be able to spiritually acknowledge it. This symbol also can assist with materializing your occult, psychic, spiritual and psychokinetic manifestations within the 3rd dimension which is the physical, material world.


The Philosopher’s Stone was thought by Alchemists to be the practice of  turning base metals into gold. The true meaning of alchemy was much more spiritual and was meant to be a means of conditioning our consciousness and spiritual selves for ascension. So, rather than turning base metals into gold, alchemy in actuality the spiritual discipline of transmuting our lower selves to become one with our divine spiritually evolved selves. Working with this sigil of the Philosopher’s stone via meditation can help us transmute our “base” or less evolved nature into a more enlightened, divine and true self.