Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reinforced invocation Spell or Ritual

Reinforced invocation Spell or Ritual

(Fortified with various Archangelic Names & The Titaness of Gateways and Doorways, Hekáte.)
Hear me Gates of the North, the Sun, Fire, powers of the holy masculine and feminine, power of the Irresistible force and unstoppable presence of the Archangels Michael Shemeshel and Metraton Ketheriel, I bid thee open thine gates before me that my call is heard throughout the Universe unto the very ears of GOD the creator of all Creation that even he in all his glory may hear me.

Hear me gates of the East, Of Mercury, Air, powers of the holy feminine and masculine, wind, change, the mind, all manner of healing, intellect and, psychic ability and spirit. Hear Me Archangels Raphael Kokabiel, Raphael Ruachel, Libbiel, Raphael Tipharethel, I bid thee open thine gates before me that my call is heard throughout the Universe unto the very ears of GOD the creator of all Creation that even he in all his glory may hear me.

Hear me gates of the South, of Earth the world and Earth the element, matter, powers of the holy feminine and masculine the physical , manifestation and growth, creation and the connection all sentient matter shares with each other. Hear me Archangels Sandalphon Malkuthiel and Uriel Aretziel. I bid thee open thine gates before me that my call is heard throughout the Universe unto the very ears of GOD the creator of all Creation that even he in all his glory may hear me.

Hear me gates of the West, gates of Water, powers of the moon and Venus, forces of emotions and sensitivity, empathy, cleansing and powers of the holy feminine and masculine. Hear me Archangels Gabriel Levannael and Gabriel Yesodel. I bid thee open thine gates before me that my call is heard throughout the Universe unto the very ears of GOD the creator of all Creation that even he in all his glory may hear me.

Close the Spell or Ritual invocation
Hear me Sacred Titaness Hekate! Titaness of all gates and doorways. Close the all the gates and close all the doors. By the audience and presence of God and All his Archangels invoked, Michael Shemeshel and Metraton Ketheriel of the North, Raphael Ruachel, Libbiel, Raphael Kokabiel and Raphael Tipharethel of the East, Sandolphon Malkuthiel and Uriel Aretziel of the South Gabriel Levannael and Gabriel Yesodel of the West, Hear me! Watch over me perpetually, protect my heart from harm, Protect my soul /spirit from evil and shield me from my enemies! I pray thee deliver that which is and has always been mine. I bid thee with all humility to grant me that which I have bled, cried, worked, dreamt and fought for all my life. Thank you to all angels, Gods, Titans, Ancestors, spirits of nature and thank you to the Creator. Give me a sign to reveal your audience and presence! Give me a sign to reveal your audience and presence! Give me a sign to reveal your audience and presence! Show me your power in my life as I close the doors and the gates to allow my incantation strong life in my strong life. For all eternity! Undefeatable above, Undefeatable below, as above so below!

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