Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FIRE OF FIRE (Ancient Egyptian Incantation.)


(An ancient Egyptian all purpose, defensive or offensive Fire spell)
This spell can be said without the use of candles but summoning the essence and spirit of fire all the while commanding the fire element on the astral. It can however prove to be highly augmented if you perform this incantation while commanding the essence, spirit and astral forms of fire while holding two red candles in each hand all the while summoning your own inner fire. (I recommend the use of candle sticks, or burning the end of the candles and sticking them to a small tea cup dish so they can stand on their own and the wax won’t inadvertently spill over.)

INCANTATION: Sexemu ay behen sebau ay. Sexemu ay behen sexemu en sebau ay. Aaxut ay en Mafdet behen ay sebau ay. Behn ay sebau en anx.

PRONOUNCIATION: Se he moo, ay beh-hen seb uh ooh ay. Se he moo ay beh hen seb uh ooh ay. Ahh hoot ay en Maf det Beh hen ay seb uh ooh ay. Beh hen ay seb uh ooh en awnk.

TRANSLATION: My power crushes my enemy. My power crushes the power of my enemy. My fire of Mafdet (A Cheetah headed Goddess who rules over swift justice and execution.)crushes my enemy. I crush the enemy of life.

INCANTATION: Aaxut  en Aaxhut pert em nut. Pert em hru sexemu en Ra. Xeper –Ra Neteru en Heh en Heh. Pert em anxi-Ta- ay.

 PRONOUNCIATION: Ah, Ah hoot en Ah Ah hoot, pert em not. Pert em Who-roo en raw. Hep-er, raw neter roo en he en he. Pert em onk hee tah ay.

TRANSLATION: Fire of fire come forth through night. Come forth through day powers of Ra (Sun God). Xeper-Ra (the rising sun which is the Sun God Ressurected from the darkness of night.) God of millions over millions of years. Come forth through my living world.

Pert em anx ay. Neteri Sexmet,Neteri Ashtoreth,Neteri Ishta,r Neteri Bastet, Neteri, Tefnut, Neteri Auset, Neteri, Mafdet, Neteri, Maat, Neteri, Sepdet. Pert em anx ay. Aaxut en Neteru Pert em anx ay. sexefet anxi ba ay.

PRONOUNCIATION: Net teri Sexmet, Net teri Ashtoret, Net teri Ishtar, Net teri Bastet, Net teri Tefnut, Net teri Isis, Net teri Mafdet, Net teri Ma’at, Net teri Sepdet. Pert em onk ay. se hefet on kee baw ay.

TRANSLATION: Goddess Sexmet, Goddess Ashtoreth, Goddess Ishtar, Goddess Bastet, Goddess Tefnut, Goddess Isis, Goddess Mafdet, Goddess Maat, Goddess Sepdet. Come forth through my life and my  living seven souls.

WORDS AND NAMES  OF POWER: Neteru en Aaxut, Xonsu Aaxut, Tehuti-Ra, Aaxut, Bennu, Ra, Sexmet, Sobek Ra, Amun Ra, Osiris-Ra, Ptah Ra, Xeper-Ra, Sexmet-Ra, Auset-Ra, Mafdet en aaxut, sexmet en aaxut, ashtoreth aaxut,Heru en aaxut, sep det en aaxut,  Aaxut en Maat, Sahu en Aaxut, Nifu Aaxut, Ta-Aaxut, Mut-Aaxut, Aaxut en Aaxut. Heh en heh.

INCANTATION: Sexemu ay behen sebau ay. Sexemu ay behen sexemu en sebau ay. Aaxut ay en Mafdet behen ay sebau ay. Behn ay sebau en anx.

PRONOUNCIATION: Se he moo, ay beh-hen seb uh ooh ay. Se he moo ay beh hen seb uh ooh ay. Ahh hoot ay en Maf det Beh hen ay seb uh ooh ay. Beh hen ay seb uh ooh en onk.

TRANSLATION: My power crushes my enemy. My power crushes the power of my enemy. My fire of Mafdet (A Cheetah headed Goddess who rules over swift justice and execution.)crushes my enemy. I crush the enemy of life.

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