Friday, May 4, 2012

INDIGO CHILDREN (Spiritual Secrets)

Have you ever heard the term “Indigo Children”? The Indigo Children was a term was coined in the 1970’s by Nancy Anne Tappe who was a “Synesthete” (Synesthesia is a condition in which one type of sensory stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a color.) and Psychic who noticed an influx of babies being born with a pronounced indigo aura. She said that these children would be old souls who chose to come in at the very precipice of an age of spiritual awakening and evolution of humanity. These indigo children chose to come to perpetuate healing, to undo the societal, political, religious and cultural oppression. These children were born all over the world. To both understanding and not-so-understanding families. These Indigo children can still be spotted today as grownups. They are the ones that challenge outdated and oppressive laws and fight against abuses of power and authority. These are the people that speak out against abuses of Governmental authority and are designed to wake up the sonambulant masses. They are gifted with empathy, telepathy, healing, psychic abilities and the rarest of abilities, to break, psychic, psychological, emotional and mental conditioning and programming. They are the teachers that are patient and willnot rest untill their students understand. The most powerful of these Indigo’s do not own televisions and get their information from reading papers and the net.

The Indigo children are still coming through all the time and thus, steps have been initiated globally by some unseen quarter to regulate births, to deter, distract or all together neutralize the indigo agenda. Drugs, alcohol, subliminal conditioning, socioeconomic conditioning and forced hierarchal subjugation are all the tools to keep all things at a standstill in terms of society. Even the Indigo’s fall victim to this machine designed to retard the evolutionary process that is humanities destiny.  The Indigo’s, being a force for change and not being able to be and affect that which they had initially been born to do are dying. Some becoming confused and despondent,due to not being unable to express or realize their destiny. Unable to execute their mandate,  being held back by forces that seem to oppress and coral them into the same pigeon hole everyone else is in, they break seeking freedom through drugs, alcohol, suicide or other means which is a direct result of them being barred from assisting humanity through this stage in our evolution.  So, for all you that are Indigo Children, be aware that you have been seen and this adversarial force will not sit idly by as you undo what it has spent over 2.5 million years trying to accomplish. The complete and utter domination of this planet and species using our religion, cultural and racial differences and lastly our governmental structures to enslave us merely to strangle the evolutionary process we are destined to go through in order to ascend to a higher state of being. Nothing physical is permanent nor is time, space, distance and matter unending. All things are destined to expand, evolve, grow or change in shape, structure or energy. It’s time to wake up people.

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