Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dreamless bieng...

Dreamless being…

Like the air. You are just there. You can act like you care, but in fact, you couldn’t care less because you’re careless, that’s why your mood is so pitch black, you have no genuine emotions to spare. Even though you stand still? Inside you are running from you own heart as if feeling anything would make you ill. As if feeling anything would kill, you and the dreams you fear to suffer for.
Your air of superiority is fraudulent. Nothing about your nature or being is decadent or opulent. You linger around here and there never having a place or a life of your own like some kind of lonely abandoned demon or hob-goblin.
Something of a gargoyle. Always damned to watch the continuity of life that others dance within much akin to waltz. In the shadows you try to dance this same song because you haven’t one of your own, until you wind up off beat and forever alone. But you have yourself convinced its someone else’s fault.
You are a dreamless being. So afraid to dream and fight to make that dream a reality. So busy comparing your life to the next, hiding behind fleeting youth, drunken debauchery, tears and flavorless sex, either you do not choose or you all together refuse to see the entirety of what you can do by forgiving and letting go of what you’ve become.
You are a dreamless being.
Dream and fight for that dream to be.

You are not so much of a liar as you are a determined forgetter of the truth. I can hate you, love you to my detriment or accept you as you are and understand that you will sooner or later hang yourself with your own noose.
So much potential that you can seduce angels in mid flight. Even Saints at first sight but you much prefer to waist away your virtues, in the quagmire of mediocrity and squalid company that stains your name, your life and night.
How I struggled to save you. But you have already chosen. You chose to see the dark when the light calls your name and beckons to you but you prefer to be frozen. As if it is preferable to rot slowly then to make a difference with your life and love, heal, feel to know what is divine and real to fight rather than to surrender to the very thing life and light is forever opposing. Oblivion.
Such a sad slumber. To sleep walk through life only to awaken just minutes before the end. To know you have sacrificed love, family and friends, your futures end here and now because you stood still and did not move and welcomed complacency which in turn enticed oblivion.
You are a dreamless being. So afraid to dream and fight to make that dream a reality. So busy comparing your life to the next, hiding behind fleeting youth, drunken debauchery, tears and flavorless sex, either you do not choose or you all together refuse to see the entirety of what you can do by forgiving and letting go of what you’ve become.
You are a dreamless being.
Dream and fight for that dream to be. Live

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