Tuesday, June 6, 2017



there is more love in this world than hate. We just don't see it as much because it doesn't make the headlines as much. Media has become the new Roman Coliseum of 21st Century. Kindness, respect, love, acts of mercy and compassion make for poor headlines. Hate, racism, violence, scandal and pain has always been the number one spectator sport. Every negative emotion that we experience, that we cause others to experience, desensitizes and divides us from one another. It makes us easier to manipulate and control.

It's important to be informed and yes, the evil's of the world do exist. We shouldn't turn a blind eye to it, lest we become part of the problem.

But truth be told, we have been conditioned by society, religion, educational institutions and government to penalize the many for the actions of the few. Especially, when they are different then us. Let us not be fooled by the deluge of hate being shown to us daily. Love, kindness, self-respect and respect for others exist, in the familar and the unfamiliar. Compassion, healing, unity, solidarity, brotherhood, sisterhood, humanity, genuine charity for others and empathy, all exist. There is proof of this fact.

It's you.You are living, thriving proof of this undeniable fact.

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