Sunday, March 20, 2016


If we were to ask 100 people that we know if they have seen a ghost, about 50 to 60 would say that they have. Out for those 100 people, if you ask them if they have ever felt threatened by the supernatural, about 40 to 50 would say yes. (If they were honest about it because, even though in this modern world, it is still unpopular to admit a belief in the Paranormal.)

Interest in the Paranormal, the Supernatural, the Occult and Spirituality have been steadily on the rise since the 1990's. Cases of hauntings and possesions have become more frequent since the 1960's. In 1963 the 2nd Vatican Council was held in which reforms and changes were enacted which many Priests believed, stripped the Catholic Church of its Supernatural powers and reduced it to more of a religious institution, rather than a religion.   This was an attempt to leave it's medieval and Arcane rituals in the past, which were little more than an embarrassment to modernists, within the Church.

Until in 1973, when the movie "The Excorsist" made it's debut and "outed" the  Roman Catholic Ritual of Excorsism and reintroduced not only the Devil to the world but the Catholic Ritual designed to battle him, in the name of GOD. Since the secret of this ritual was released, possession has been steadily increasing to such an overwhelming degree that the Vatican in 1993 to as recent as 2015, has been recruiting (Christians and Catholics specifically.) To become Vatican "authorized" Excorsists.

I have a theroy. I believe that the Vatican has been preparing for a major shift or spiritual change that would necessitate an army of Excorsists that would be skilled in the mitigation of a global, spiritual and religious event. This can be substantiated by the rise in Supernatural occurrences, events, hauntings, possesions, psychic and paranormal activity which at one point in our collective history was anomalous and now in this, our modern era, seems less impossible and more of a common experience.

It does need to be stated that the various Christian and Catholic rituals of Excorsism are not the only ways to dislodge a spirit or demonic entity from an individual. A plethora of indigenous Spiritual, Mystic, Shamanic, Magical, Religious and Psychic rituals from all over the world and from countless cultures, predating Christianity, Catholicism and other orthodox religions, were designed to accomplish the same affect that is attributed to the Christian and Catholic rituals of Excorsism. Contrary to popular opinion and many a scary movie, they do not have the sole rights to the art of Excorsism.

It is currently, 2016 and people who had no attraction to spirituality, the Paranormal and psychic ability. Are developing psychic abilities, finding themselves in paranormal and supernatural situations, instinctively becoming more spiritual and spiritually aware. Others are becoming more shut off and closed minded. People who are not unable but rather, refuse to entertain spirituality, open mindedness and who base the entirety of their experiences and life on solely physical and empirical parameters, violently rejecting anything that does not fit within the confines of their 3 dimensional paradigm of their reality. If we look closely, we can see these two types of people developing into factions even now. A line is being slowly drawn in the sand.

If the Universe is expanding, so to is everything else and the barriers between the seen and unseen can be affected by this expansion making the walls between dimensions, world's and other universes thin enough for entities to pass through in to our plane of existence. This can manifest in Poltrigiest generation and activity, hauntings, portals and possessions on a mass scale.

So, to even things out, nature is mutating the human species yet again. But this mutation is spiritual and psychic in origin  and it's happening to EVERYONE that is open to it. I think what nature knows and what the Vatican and it's army of Excorsists know, is that the thinning dimensional walls will soon come tumbling down completely and our world will merge with other spiritual and or ethereal dimensions. Some people will be spiritually capable of adapting while others will not be able to remain sane during the merging and having their physical and empirical paradigms shattered by what they have always dismissed as impossibility. The Supernatural was and had always been, destined to be "the new" natural. Many will not be able to accept that spiritual fact.

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