Friday, May 16, 2014

THE DREAM TIME – The Shaman’s realm

In magic there are symbols for the elements. A pentacle symbolizes earth (The material plane of existence.), the sword or Athame symbolizes air (The mind, consciousness and intellect.), the wooden wand or baton symbolizes fire, action and will.) and the cup or chalice symbolizes water. (Emotions and sensitivity.) A Shaman knows we all are made of these elements and knows that these elements are not only alive but they are also doorways to elemental dimensions. Admittedly, when I first happened upon the idea of dimensions, my view was limited to a “Scfi” perspective of small pocket dimensions and parallel worlds. Shadows of our reality, of you will. I was wrong. While this perspective is valid, this understanding cannot be generally assumed as being uniform to all dimensions. Some Dimensions are as vast as the Universe. Each Element has an infinitude of dimensions that can be accessed through them. We as human beings have a “built in” vehicle specifically made to traverse these realms. It’s called our consciousness. Controlling our consciousness can only be achieved by way of discipline, meditation and communion with all elements of the universe. Shamans have been doing this for thousands of millennia.

The Consciousness is the Altar, The sword our mind, the wand our intent and will, the chalice our emotions and spirit, the earth our physical body. We are connected to all elements on a fundamental level. Our cells have an electrical charge. (Fire) We breathe in Oxygen to live (air) and we all eat and drink. (Earth and Water) We are a living representation of the elements. That being said, we are doorways, ourselves to the elemental dimensions since we are made of the elements. Shamans knew this instinctively and lived in harmony with nature because they knew they were one with nature literally not just metaphorically. They could access these elemental dimensions using their consciousness understanding not only nature but also the nature of it’s dimensions. The secret they knew is that this world is not separate from other worlds. They knew that this, our world, is a part of a larger whole. 


Just as an onion has membrane layers over membrane layers one on top of the other, radiating outward in a spherical shape, so too is the design of the many dimensions next to our 3rd dimensional physical world. Our world is just another membrane layer out of countless others. The difference is that the dimensions are not thin membranes, one over the other but rather, expansive and vast spaces. Each one having its own parallel versions and pocket dimensions within it. The onion principal can be applied to the universal elements of Time, Space, Distance, Matter, Light, Dark, Life and Death. Them being elements as well and doorways, leading to their own dimensions that, when and if we are ready, we too can access.

The Shamans called these elemental dimesions the “Dream Time”. The Dream Time is where Shamans and other magical folk travelled to via astral projection, mental projection or near death experiences all of which can be attributed to altered states of consciousness. This is where they consulted with higher beings, spirit guides, animal totems and the ancestors which are basically beings who have transcended the need to live in the physical world and that no longer incarnate. The Ascended masters if you will. There is great understanding within inner space and a wellspring of knowledge, wisdom and transcendental power in these other Dimensions / Universes. Exposure to these unearthly energies naturally imbues the person exposed to spiritual, psychic and inter-dimensional quantum leaps in overall consciousness. I believe this is what this world needs right now.


The Dream Time is many Universes within many Universes. All of them alive. All of them populated with positive and negative entities millions over millions of years older than you and the world that you think you know. Be humble. Humility is currency there. So be rich with it. I have, for your protection should you encounter negative entities, written a psychic self-defense technique you can employ should you need it in your travels. (It pays to be prepared in any eventuality.) Let your sensitivity and intent be your guide. Remember all that you come into contact with. The landscapes will always be from your subconscious mind and everything you see in the “Dream Time” is a message and has meaning. Should you travel on behalf of someone else? The landscapes, messages and meanings become much more complicated because of the combined subconscious symbology between you and the other person. The messages and meanings you must intuitively separate and know for whom the message is being given and why.

 Keep in mind that just because the “Dream Time” will communicate with you using your own subconscious symbols, it is NOT  your subconscious mind. It is a living Universe using your own mind to communicate with you. Not all the entities you meet there will be aspects of yourself. Some entities will be separate, native beings of that Universe and of that specific elemental dimension. Accept wisdom offered with humility and remember what is revealed to you. Banish anything that causes you discomfort or that you perceive as dangerous or negative. The Shaman’s knew that astral travel and the “Dream Time” was dangerous business. Nothing to play with and only to be used with respect and with high ranking caution. It was used to heal, protect, defend, learn, and to spiritually evolve and ascend as well as to help the tribe live in harmony with nature and the nature within themselves. This contributed to the spiritual ascension of the whole tribe. 


DO NOT ACCEPT ANY GIFT OF ANY KIND FROM ANY ENTITY THERE. PERIOD. (This is a trick some entities who are trying to “hitch hike” into our world through a traveler will always employ. Once they successfully come through, the wreak havoc in your life from poltergeist activity to possession. Remember not all entities are bad but it is a good rule of thumb to prepared for the worst so you can appreciate the best.) 

DO NOT EAT ANYTHING THERE AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON. PERIOD. (Another trick used by certain entities to get inside you. They can be both the one offering you the food or drink and the food or drink simultaneously. All entities in the Dream time can be multiple things at the same time. So can you with enough discipline and practice.)

DO NOT FALL ASLEEP WHILE TRAVELING INTO THE DREAM TIME. (The danger in doing this is because if you fall asleep while in the dream time part of you wakes up in the dream time and another part of you wakes up in the physical world leaving a part of you there defenseless and lost. This creates a chasm within you that negative energies and entities can enter.)


The ability to meditate
The ability to visualize
Memories specifically regarding your interaction with the elements
Knowledge of Psychic self-defense
Knowledge of yourself: your hopes, dreams, fears and your own symbology
Clear and pure intentions


Knowing psychic self- defense is a great thing to have in or out of the “Dream Time” but when in the “Dream Time”? I believe it is essential. Something’s to remember when traveling there or when In the Dream Time; Dream rules apply. You are as powerful as you want to be or as weak as you want to be. You are in control of yourself at all times. Remember you have the elements of Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Time, Space, Distance, Matter, Light, Dark, Death and Life within you and you are powerful. What you say they must do or leave your presence. To emphasize this always visualize the Brightest, Violet light possible around you and command this Violet light to repel all that is negative. I would envision this light prior to entering the “The Dream Time” and while in it.  


GET COMFORTABLE – Find a comfortable position be it sitting in a chair, laying down, yoga position, whatever. Just be comfortable because it’s going to be a while. Make sure you will not be disturbed because if you happen to gain access to other dimensions and you are interrupted abruptly this can be really, really bad. Bad Like picking up a hitch hiker entity, letting something negative in to your reality to part of your essence staying there in the other side. FOCUS IS KEY!!!

INTENT – What are you accessing the Dream time for? Always have a reason. Be it self-exploration, finding your spirit guides, seeking to understand you current life incarnation, etc. Always have a reason for entering the Dream Time. Entering another world without a reason leaves you vulnerable to negative entities who will take advantage of the situation and you. 

MEDITATE & VISUALIZE – The Combination of meditation and visualization are essential to the task. Once you meditate and are in trance or sync, you are now open. While in this state scour your memories for one in which you interacted with an element. For first timers, I would recommend working with the element of air. Air is the perfect element of intellect, self-exploration, travel, learning, the mind and psychic abilities. Visualize what you would consider corresponding symbols of air. Allow yourself to become one with the element of air by feeling the air on your body, feeling the breath you inhale and exhale, hearing the wind blow (if any) visualizing yourself leaving your body, rising and becoming transparent until you are one with the element of air. Travel up into a bright blue sky over a familiar area of land that you have a happy memory of and in the sky, then visualize a doorway or opening of light. Cross through it and state: “I ENTER THE ELEMENTAL WORLDS OF AIR TO….” Then state your intentions.  When you are ready to return to your body, visualize the doorway or opening and walk through it and state: “I RETURN TO MY WORLD AND MY REALITY PROTECTED AND WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS.” Visualize crossing the threshold of where you initially entered, descending all the way down into your body all the while becoming more and more solid until you can feel the air on your skin, focus on your breathing and exhaling, and hear your surroundings clearly. Then you open your eyes.

Use this technique with the all other elements and visualize an opening within the element you first become one with, and then walk through it. 

The Shamanistic way I was trained in, is much more primal in accessing the “Dream Time”. Visualize yourself leaving your body. As you rise up out of your body scour your mind and remember an opening in the earth you have physically seen or seen by other means, be it in a picture, television, computer, etc. Also it can be an aperture or opening that you have physically touched, was near or that you have actually been in. It has to be a hole made of the earth or within the earth. A sewage drain, well, cave, under a bridge or tunnel system.  You must fly to that opening and go through it. As you go through this opening, you will approach an upper level, middle level and lower level. The Upper level would be the higher realms of the Ancestors and spirit of nature and the elementals as well as the Ascended Ones. The middle realm would be the Limbo like dimensions and realms of the dead and the lower levels would be realms of the deep. The lower realms are powerful and feed off your subconscious fears and undealt with issues. These are the many realms of the abyss. Sometimes going into darkness is the only way to find the light. 

Shaman’s of the old world traveled to the “Dream Time” to commune with their spirit guides, to gain wisdom from the spirit of plants and herbs for healing and protection, to find the name or magic of enemies, to commune with the life force of the planet, to commune with the dead, to banish spiritual evil and to see the future. The “Dream Time” has always been a part of our world. We just forgot to see it and eventually our world became much smaller and more complicated. This is a secret not many adepts know. Those that do, keep it to themselves. By doing that they injure the future of our spiritual evolution. Whether or not people choose to use the information given is one thing but everybody should have the right to know about such spiritual knowledge.  It is my mission and my chief duty to reveal secrets of magic, psychic ability and psionic energy as well as share secrets that activate dormant abilities, which we need to, develop, if we are to transcend the physical material world and Ascend. 

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