Monday, May 5, 2014

PSIONICS II (How to develop your psychic abilities.)

Psionics II 

In order to build your psychic ability one needs to become familiar with the following:



 Use of your  5 senses (Sight, Smell, Touch and being touched, Hearing / Listening and taste.)

Vibration, Sound and frequency (Chanting, Theta and Epsilon frequencies)

Meditation is key. It is how we bathe and cleanse our minds. Consider that from birth to death we are absorbing a constant influx of energy. Sound, visual stimuli , words, conversations, ambient energy, the emotions of others, thoughts of others, the energy generated from our own emotions and thoughts, the energy released by our actions, reactions, inaction, discussions, decisions, indecision, energy released by cause and effect, consequences and rewards et cetera. These energies are always around us and can create a film around us which gradually builds and can become burdensome and even physicalize into health complications within the physical body. Meditation is a mental form of transmutation which gets your mind and body in sync. When your mind and body is in sync through meditation you naturally emit a vibration and through this vibration you emit a frequency that dispels and shakes off this energy residue and helps to transmute all ambient energy into the right energy for you that will promote health and well being. It been my experience that stagnant energy is, if not transmuted, toxic energy. Toxic energy can also be transmuted but that’s another story for another time. Let’s focus on meditation as a tool for psychic development.  Once you have begun to meditate, you will notice that your thoughts aren’t as heavy and that you have more physical and mental energy. You’ll notice that your emotions are much more fluid and active and less dull. The process of meditation is a natural enhancer to psychic abilities.

Visualization is very important. Especially when it is used in tandem with meditation. The images you see in your mind’s eye have energy and presence. Whatever you visualize is actually real and has it’s own energy signature. When someone visualizes white light energy surrounding someone else with intent to heal, this energy will do exactly that. Now, to what degree is contingent upon how skilled the visualizer is and how strong the intent. The formula that works best for me is visualization plus intent equals manifestation or  v + i = m. This is the same formula I use when exercising psychokinetic energy manipulation.  When practicing visualization, hold an image in your mind with emphasis on detail, size, shape and definition for as long as possible. Start with simple shapes, colors and objects than focus on details, textures, hues, and more complicated imagery. This trains your mind on specifics and intricacies which help when using psychic abilities. 

The five senses are highly important because they have spiritual, psychic, mental counter parts. When you see things with your eyes take the time to notice colors, shapes and movements. When hearing noise, focus on the type of noises you hear. When you focus on noise and can determine the type of noise, the quality of noise and you can identify it’s source, you are now listening.  When hearing different sounds, try to differentiate between them by listening and determining their point of origin.Our sense of smell can activate dormant parts of our mind.  I have noticed that the sense of smell is linked to the sense of taste. Breathe in through your nose and try to detect odors, scents in the air. Some scents trigger memories and emotions activating the mind and heart. Scents and odors can be strong indicators of presences and energies. 

In my opinion the most desensitized of all our senses is touch. When we touch something repeatedly or even when we are ourselves touched repeatedly, the sensation of being touched loses its newness and becomes routine and overlooked. We forget to feel when we touch things or when we are touched.  To feel the texture, temperature, density and weight of any object or person we touch or are touched by. How does the wind feel when it touches you? How does thr sun's rays feel on your skin when its shining? Practice touching things and analyze the sensation more closely.  In feeling all that we touch, we are instinctively opening ourselves up to a reservoir of energy such as echo energy of the past touches, thoughts and emotions. Focus on your 5 senses and your train your mind to access more information through them than you previously had and your psychic abilities will develop faster and stronger and for those who already have them developed they will become that much more honed. 

I once had a friend who was highly psychic and when I was still very unlearned and learning to control my natural gifts. I asked her how she practices developing her abilities. She answered a bit insulted “Well…I don’t have to practice anything. I am a psychic medium. It’s not about practice.” I was younger and she was older so I opted on remaining quiet and politely changed the subject. I am a natural Witch Doctor. My mother and her mother were Mexican Witches and psychic mediums who worked with the dead. Even though I am a natural I practiced, honed my abilities, learned different magical systems was initiated in Afro-Latin religions and I still am learning, applying and practicing. My advice to the most adept to the beginner is to stay humble, patient, to practice and always review what you already know. This will keep you sharp. 

Sound, vibration and frequency. This is a fairly new method for me in strengthening my psychic abilities and psychic awareness. All matter exists in a constant state of motion or vibration. This vibration emits a sound. This sound is like the ripples in a body of water that radiate away from the point of origin that created them. This sound ripple or sound wave is called a frequency. All matter in constant vibration emits a frequency. Our thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions have their own psychic frequency signatures. It is these frequencies that I believe psychics are able to pick up on and translate them consciously. All of us can receive these frequencies on the subconscious and deeper consciousness levels. When mediating, try and listen to the ambient energy around you and attempt to hear the frequencies around you.  It’s actually been proven that your own brain crates frequencies. Theta waves and epsilon waves are brain wave frequencies found when one is in deep trance, meditation and said to be attributed to astral projection and out of body experiences. These frequencies are very powerful subliminal tools to activate your psychic abilities from the subconscious. In fact, frequencies have been used since ancient days for healing and energy cleansings. There are many video recordings of Theta and Epsilon frequencies on YouTube that you can listen to with earphones for free to begin developing psychic sensitivity. Listening to these frequencies and in conjunction with the steps and info I provide here you can begin the development of your own psychic abilities. 

Chanting I find healing and therapeutic. When done correctly, I can feel my entire body vibrate and when I manage to focus my intent through the tone I am vibrating, I feel my entire body and environment becoming imbued with the energy of my intent. This to me is a form of manifestation. I recommend chanting for energy raisings, empowerment, cleansings and banishings. Sound and vibration are definitely powerful mediums for projection of will. Chanting follows the same mechanics as vibration, sound and frequency. The only difference is you are the point of origin.

Just remember, if you choose to start developing your psychic abilities, always ask yourself what is your intent? It is a lifelong discipline and you will be opening your world up to more than just the 3 dimensional world you have grown accustomed to. It’s been my experience some doors when opened are the hardest to close. Keep your intentions pure.   

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