Tuesday, May 13, 2014

PSYCHOKINETIC ENERGY (How to understand it, develop it and control it.)

The energy of thought, will, intent and emotion pooled together and focused through ones consciousness outward into the physical world effecting matter is psychokinetic energy. We all have it to greater or lesser degrees just as we all have psychic abilities to greater or lesser degrees. A Prime example of psychokinetic manifestation is what is termed a “Poltergeist”. Poltergeist means “Noisy Ghost” in German. This type of entity was believed to haunt people rather than specific locations. Another notable feature that made this entity distinct from general ghosts or spirits is that it was capable of physical interaction with objects and people. However, the paranormal definition and description of Poltergeists believe that rather than an entity, it is more so an energy or release of repressed psychic energy from the mind that can affect the physical. Hence the term, psychokinesis or PK for short. 

This energy though new to some, isn’t really new at all. For thousands upon thousands of years our ancestors have been working with this energy to manifest change in the physical world via non- physical means. They called it magic. This is energy we ourselves generate. To master the production of this energy we need to understand it, learn to control it, learn to generate it and learn to contain it.  Only then can we begin shaping it and create Psychokinetic constructs. Let’s get started shall we?


According to various parapsychologists and paranormal researchers PK phenomena is not only linked to the subconscious mind but also repressed emotions with a negative charge. For example: if one had unresolved sexual tensions, a PK outburst may manifest in the form of a bed shaking. If one had unresolved anger issues, the most likely PK outburst would be in the form of a fire. This PK energy outburst more often than not is entirely subconscious and never done consciously or on purpose. Now to be able to manifest this energy on a conscious level we need to charge or polarize our emotion and thought through a visualized symbolic element appropriate for the desired result. Symbols are pivotal for directing the manifestation of PK energy accurately and appropriately. The polarization of our thoughts and emotions can be positive or negative and still be just as potent. Mediation, concentration, focus, intent and will, may intensify results. The doorway one must open within them is their sensitivity and connection to their emotions and remembering their past. The good, the bad and the ugly parts. This will assist you in dealing with unfinished psychological business and while doing so, give you the PK energy to work with and manifest. Know what you’re feeling and why you are feeling at all times. 


Most people with PK abilities cannot control it. They are random outbursts of psychic energy physicalizing through a subconscious symbolic act. When the root psychological issue is addressed, the PK energy diminishes in frequency and intensity until it stops all together. For example: When I was about 17 or 18 my brother had a friend that I just could not stand. He drove a truck that had hydraulics and he showed his truck off just about everywhere. It was his pride and joy. We got into a huge argument and I Lost it and I looked at his truck and I said in a menacing tone that even made my own skin crawl “Take care of your Truck” I was uncontrollably angry yet paradoxically contained. He laughed and drove off with some of our mutual friends in the back of his truck were the hydraulics were. As he got 4 blocks away his whole hydraulic system flared making explosive sounds and sparks flying everywhere, the entire truck bed shaking moving and rocking uncontrollably with our friends being thrown out and some jumping off the truck as it was in motion. He came back, in tears apologizing and trembling. I was still livid but scared at the possibility that I may have caused this. I also felt admittedly a little guilty so on some level I knew I may have been the origin of this event though I wasn’t entirely sure. This is a prime example of PK ability and a true story as well. Control of this energy is critical. The polarization of emotion is equally critical. Have you ever felt the sensation of falling in love? The butterflies, the anticipation, the passion, the compassion, the bliss? These are all just as powerful as the darker emotions. Remember that. PK energy can be generated with those emotions as well. 


Have you ever walked into a room where there were two people and all of a sudden you get the impression that you walked in on an argument or something heavy lingering in the air between the two people there? This is a subtle form of PK energy. PK energy can saturate a room. It’s everywhere and we release gargantuan amounts of PK energy during the daily course of our lives. We do this unconsciously. Now, if we are releasing PK energy on an unconscious and subconscious level via our own minds, it is my belief that we can not only consciously control the release of this energy, but we can also consciously use and manipulate it to our own ends. 


● MEDITATE OR THINK VERY HARD ON WHAT IS YOUR INTENT AND DESIRED RESULT. (Energy in motion travels faster when it has a destination and a purpose.) 


● FEEL THE AIR AND ENVIRONMENT AROUND YOU. (Feeling your environment activates your sensitivity)

● SEE YOUR OWN ENERGY. (Visualize a field of energy around you with your eyes closed. You can choose a color or just remember what color appears at random and research that color later which will give you greater insight in to the inner workings of your subconscious. When you have done this, open your eyes and maintain your visualization of your energy field.) 

● POLARIZE OR CHARGE THIS ENERGY WITH A MEMORY, THOUGHT OR EMOTION OR ALL THREE. (Make your thoughts, memory and emotion as intense as possible.) 

● EXPAND YOUR VISUALIZED ENERGY FIELD AS FAR AS YOU CAN ALL AROUND YOU. (Focus on maintaining and expanding this energy for as far and as long as you can. Keeping in mind your intent, you’re polarizing thought, memory and emotion.)

You will notice that an onset of a headache will begin. That is letting you know that it’s time to stop. Visualize the energy shrinking and becoming less and less intense let the polarizing thought, emotion and memory fade slowly and the color of the energy field should become less and less bright and detailed until it is all gone. This is when you analyze and make a note of what of what you experienced. What can you work on to make the next session better? Feel free to add your own personal touches to the PK practices too. Hey, it’s your Mind after all! 

Please be mindful of your ego. Results vary and are as always, contingent upon diligent practice!!

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