Thursday, February 6, 2014

Working with the elements to increase 12th dimensional awarness

I have been often asked if psychic abilities and magical abilities can be had by everybody or just a select few. The answer is everybody has the natural psychic and magical abilities. They just never nurture these abilities or even activate them. To activate a thing you must first understand a thing. So, I have decided to share my secrets on how to activate your natural psychic abilities and magical abilities. I am a natural psychic and magic worker and I use both in tandem. I am going to try and teach you to do the same.  


There are two sets of elements that we are made of. These two sets of Elements are called the “Natural Elements”and “Universal Elements or Higher Elements”. Natural Elements are Fire, Air, Earth and Water. They are not only life supporters but we are made of these elements.Our physical bodies consist of water, air, earth and fire. Not only do we need these elements to survive but we are made of this. If we believe all things have a multi-dimensional existence, then these elements exist in many different dimensions simultaneously. As do we. The symbol for this principal is the mirror. You are looking at yourself and you seemingly exist in another parallel.Your reflection is a symbol of the possibility of parallel worlds. Fire, air,water and earth also exist in many parallels. The Universal Elements or Higher Elements are Time, Space, Distance, Matter, Light, Dark, Death, Life and Spirit.The higher elements are the pillars of the 3rd dimensional universe. When the Universe was born, the Higher Elements were born as well and from the higher elements the natural elements followed. The Natural Elements are subject to the Higher Elements. The “Alpha” Element is time. 
It is the first born element of the Universe. Both sets of elements exist within time and are subject to time, in the 3rd dimension. Since we are made up of the natural elements, we can be seen as the descendants of the higher elements. Since we too, are subject to them.  

Each of the natural and Higher Elements have secrets and accessing these secrets, unlocks the hidden power and potential within us. All Elements have a neutral charge or polarity. It is our need for separation and vivisection of things that perpetuates the illusion of polar opposition. What gives the elements polarity is our perspectives, actions, reactions, intent and consciousness. In short we give polarity to all that we interact with. Not the other way around. Positive and negative, black and white, powerful and weak, gentle and strong, wise and naïve, Good and evil, woman and man, gay and straight. Our conscious mind will instinctively see these examples as opposites. They are actually not. They are merely different states of being. The idea of “polar opposition” is ingrained in to us at an early age and it is a concept that stifles not only our creativity but our spiritual evolution. Polarity is just that. Polarity. For example: in Physical science. A Proton is said to have a positive charge and an electron is said to have a negative charge and the neutron is always neutral having no charge at all besides bonding with the Proton which is the basic anatomy of an atom. However, we can see how polarities can be different as science also teaches that an Antiproton which is a proton that has a negative charge, a Positron, which is an  electron that has a positive charge. This is a simple example of polarities not being opposites but more so, Interchangeable.   

Indeed all polarities are interchangeable. Even Good and evil are interchangeable. People may say WTF? How so?! Easy enough to clarify. The idea of good and evil is socio-cultural and religious in origin, based on varying subjective perspectives and paradigms of many different people all over the world. What is evil to one person might be perfectly acceptable to another and vice versa. 


Think of 5 examples of polar opposites in your mind and life.  Even though instinctively you subconsciously have enumerated the examples as to why they are opposites, focus your thoughts on what makes them similar. Write 10examples of similarities for each example you listed. And really think about it. Explain in detail why they are similar using verifiable examples. Visualize your responses before and after you write them. This will deprogram the“ opposing polarity” thought process and concept from your mind and you will be able to see things with a more open minded point of view.  You will also be able to see things from different perspectives.


In order to unlock the secrets of the elements you need to know how to use the key. The key is your mind. Your consciousness. As your reading is you may have three or four other things your mind is thinking about doing. This is because most people live their lives not knowing that their mind is habitually fragmented. Their thoughts scattered in many different directions. Meditation is basically focusing your mind on a singular thought. Here is a powerful meditation technique: lie down and get as comfortable as you can get. You will need to be in a silent and safe environment. Start listening to yourself breathe. After a while try to feel your heart beating without moving. Listen to your surroundings. After a while, listen to what is happening outside. What do you hear? What do you feel as your body lays still? As your eyes are closed try to see the darkness. What colors manifest? Remember these colors because they are important indicators of your own energy and polarity. Try to imagine different colors, shapes, faces and people. This is called visualization. This is a great way to meditate. After a couple of weeks performing this meditation you will find that your skill to focus your conscious and subconscious mind will be heightened.


There are different states of being and forms of life. All things birthed from the Universe have life and thus, are living beings. Like us. All living things are components of the living universe because they, like us, are made from the very same material the universe is. 


You are related to fire. It’s an extension of who you are. The heat and electricity your body generates is linked with the fire that is used to heat and cook your food and warm your environment. The spirit of fire is also a part of you. It is the power to illuminate and be illuminated, passion, the burning of old ideas and ways of being for new ones to rise from the ashes. The power to create and the need to sometimes destroy to create. The ability to ignite passion in others and burn through the darkness to bring light to those that need to be reminded of their own relationship with fire. You are fire. Fire reminds you of your connection to the sun. The Sun was birthed by the very same universe that created all those before you so you could be here. You are related to the sun. (Meditate and visualize on the secrets of fire and the sun.)


You are related to water. Water is an extension of who you are. More than half of your body is made of water. You possess all the abilities water has on a physical and spiritual level. You are sensitive, transparent, adaptable ,nurturing, powerful, a conductor of energy, empathic because of waters association with emotions and the moon. You are magnetic and sensual. You have the powers of fluidity and knowing the hidden depths of all around you. You are related to the Moon. (Meditate and visualize on the secrets of water and the moon.)


 You are related to the air and sky. The sky is the lens that we look up through to see the universe. Air is pervasive and omnipresent. So are you. Where there is air there will be life. Air is the element of communication, travel, thought and the mind. Air is the symbol for movement and how nature communicates with it’s many different parts. You are nature’s language and thus, possess the ability to communicate with all things within the universe. The planet associated with air is mercury. Mercury is the Roman God of speed and communication between the Gods and mankind. Messages. (Meditate and visualize on the secrets of air and mercury.)


The cradle of creation for the Human species. You are related to the earth. You are made of this living planet. You are the minerals, proteins and fiber that you consume. They come from this planet thus, this planet nourishes and sustains you. As it did to the first of the first of our kind. You are related to the hills and mountains, to the deserts and forests, to the valleys and jungles of this world. This is who you truly are. This is your power and gift. (Meditate and visualize on the secrets of the earth.) 

Symbols of the Natural Elements would be a chalice or cup, Wand or wooden stick (Since wood is an excellent conductor for fire!), A knife or Athame for Air and a rock, or crystal for earth. Also, bare in mind that a pentacle is a symbol of the four elements expressed through your spirit and a great way to carry all elements with you symbolically. The best way to carry all of the Natural Elements is to consciously understand and accept that your consciousness is the altar, Your mind, intellect and will the sword which is air, your heart, sensitivity and emotions the chalice which is water, your ability to act and react and personal power your wand which is fire and your physical body and ability over matter is the power of earth inside you. This indicates that you are all you need to manifest what you need in your life acknowledging that you are the architect of your own destiny.


The Universal or Higher elements are older and more formal. They are the eldritch Grand Parents of Humanity and to be called and communed with the utmost respect. Anything else would be disrespectful. The Higher Elements would be in the company of Karma and Nature. We all know what happens when Nature and karma is disrespected. Sheer. Peril and doom most assuredly ensues. Before warned.  


Time is a living being. You are the descendant of time itself. As the Sphinx, elder child of time, posed this riddle, “What goeth upon four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening?” the knowledge of cycles, patterns and the study of the past, present and future of ourselves and others, can often reveal secrets now generally visible to most. Time is the window for the mind and doorway for the soul. Both your mind and soul can travel through time. Past, present and future. Train your eyes to see the footprints of time. (Mediate and visualize on the Element of Time.)


Space is a living being. Space is the child of the void. The void is the being that existed before the Universe was given birth too. Space, much like the void, is an empty expanse that is in a constant state of expansion. It is the place between things. It is the area that matter forever seeks to occupy. We are the descendants of space. For we forever seek to occupy space, creating spaces and giving designations to the very spaces we create. We imbue power to the spaces that we create. A home has the power of the family within it. A church has the power of the particular deity being worshipped within it’s walls. A cemetery is made sacrosanct by the interring and remembrance of the dead. We create spaces and imbue them with power. What spaces have you created? What spaces created or helped create you?(Meditate and visualize on the element of space.)


Distance is a living being. It is what separates things from one another to instigate individuality. It is the element that grants perfect vision of things that happened and things to come .It is the creator of hind sight and fore sight. Distance is the being that mediates between objectivity and subjectivity. It is the element that dictates the power and influence of anything near you or far from you. Distance exists on all levels. However, this elements power should not be quantified solely on premise of proximity. Distance teaches that one can be close to another even though the both are seemingly separated by thousands of miles. Distance teaches us that two people can lie next to each other and be thousands of worlds apart. Distance can be an illusion, a weapon or shield or a hindrance. It is all a matter of perspective. One can even be distant form one self. You are the descendant of Distance. (Mediate and visualize on the element of distance.)


Matter is a living being. Everything has weight and mass. Everything. No matter how miniscule and no matter how gargantuan. Everything in the Universe has mass. Anything and everything that has weight and mass constitutes matter. The Universe is made of up of matter.Energy is matter. You are made up of matter thus, you are matter. You are a descendant of Matter. We are co-creators within the Universe because we can create matter, shape matter, destroy matter, study and learn form matter. Everything that touches us and that we touch is matter. (Meditate and visualization the element of matter.)


Light is a living being. Light can travel through Time, Space, Distance and Matter. Light is the language of the Universe itself. It is both the messenger and the message. You are the descendant of light. The speed of light inside a vacuum is roughly 299,792,458 meters per second. Light has no mass and can travel through vast expanses in seconds. So can you. Being the descendant of light, you have the same ability as Light. You have the same ability to bend time, space, distance and matter by way of the key (You consciousness.). (Meditate and visualize on the element of light.)


Darkness is a living being. Darkness is the absence of light. Just as the Universe is comprised of light it too, is comprised of darkness. Darkness and the dark energy it emits expands the Universe itself. It is the life force of the all living things within the Universe and the Universe itself. It is the keeper of secrets only know to the Universe and it’s first born children. Darkness frightens us because it reminds us of our mortality. That just as the Universe sprang to life from its birth affectionately called by scientists, “The big bang” the Universe will inevitably compress the “The big crunch” in the fullness of time. In the absence of light we are forced to understand ourselves without light to illuminate us. The light helps us to see ourselves but the darkness helps us to know ourselves on the inside. Seeing and knowing are very distinct. The darkness is where answers live and where the truth dwells. Where light navigates the darkness is the realm it traverses. Darkness is where hopes, dreams, fears, realms of shadow and the forgotten past resides, it is a place of learning and of facing fears,embracing hopes, forgiving and remembering of the past and understanding the realms of shadow. There is inner darkness and outer darkness. One must become learned in telling the difference between the two. (Meditate and visualize on the element of Darkness.)


Death is a living being. It is a threshold form one state of being to the next. It is the “Magnus Omega” which means “The Great Ending” The great secret of death is that it cannot die until the Universe itself does. It is the oldest and most faithful eternal to the Living Universe. The second secret of death is that though your physical body is vulnerable to the ravages of time, your soul will continue on to another state of being. Just as matter cannot be destroyed only altered form one state of being to the next, the same is true for the immortal soul. Death whispers the secrets of immortality to those that would listen when it escorts them to their destination. Death is not the end, nor is it the harbinger of finality.But a Sentry between Dimensions and States of being. It has neither positive or negative polarities and has forever been neutral in it’s works. You are a descendant of death. Many people blame GOD or death for those that it takes but Death is part of the Universe and the physical form cannot exist indefinitely.Nor can it be responsible for ending of life on the physical dimension. (Meditate and visualize on the element of Death.)


Life is a living being. It is the“all-spark” which animates all things within the Universe. We measure life by biological standards and by assessing self-sustaining factors. However, plants, flowers, trees and all that which grows and that can wither and die, show signs of life as well. Perhaps not as we would define it but our simplistic definition and concept on life maybe primitive and anthropocentric this by definition does not allow for other more open minded paradigms. Life can exist in different states of being and forms. You are the descendant of life. Life teaches the sanctity of all life and its secret is the continuing of life even after cross in the Deaths Threshold. Life as a Universal, Eternal or Higher element is the last true immortal and the one element that is consistently taken advantage of, abused, mistreated, defiled and longed for by the spirit world. (Meditate and visualize on the element of Life.)


All things have a spirit. The Ancient Egyptian High Priests who kept the Secrets of the Thoth (God of wisdom and magic, first author of Alchemy and the spiritual, astrological and hermetic book Called the “Emerald Tablets”.) believed and were taught by Thoth that the Human soul had several souls. The Ba (or primary soul), The Ka (Our astral double or body), The Khaibit (Our shadow), The Sahu (Our spirit), The Khu (Our consciousness.), The Sekhem (Our personal power specific to the individual.)and The Ren (The power of the name given to us at birth.) Each of these souls are alive and individual but are bonded together by the life force or the element of life. Imagine if we could synchronize these souls to work in unison and combine the power of all seven souls and express this energy through the physical body using it as a conduit. We would be spiritualizing our physical bodies. This is not only the secret but the power of spirit. Meditate and visualize on the element of spirit.)

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