Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Both art and information by Alberto John Kennedy a.k.a. "Grimoire"

Transmutation is an alchemical process or action of changing a substance or state of being in to an entirely different substance or state of being. This sigil is designed to assist a practitioner of magic or spiritual mysticism in the summoning of spiritual energies that are designed to assist in the spiritual transmutation of our state of being into a more divine and higher state of being. Transmutation is essential in all spiritual and magickal paths because rather than fighting negativity and darkness we have in us the ability to transcend negativity and darkness rendering them obsolete polarities in our lives and being. 

The dark barrier in this sigil denotes that darkness is mobile and though it from our perspective it may appear still and lifeless it is not. Darkness moves and will always be near the light for though they are opposites, they are forever attracted to each other and will always seek union. When Darkness and the light unite they create. The Hebrew writing just beneath the darkness which spells “I AM”. This is the creative force of GOD within all living beings. This power in its most purest form can be destructive if not understood and properly channeled through our understanding that this divine essence is in actuality OUR divine essence. The use of sacred geometry patterns is to denote the spiritual elements involved in the channeling of the powers being generated by the darkness unifying with the light creating the “I AM” presence within us. The Triangle is the symbol for Spirit. The Square indicates the physical / matter. The Circle indicates eternity. 

The Three Domes within the geometric shape symbolizes the 3rd dimension and gives us the propelling force we need to enact the process of transmutation by understanding the communion with the three flames. The three spiritual flames inscribed in Latin are Violet (Viola), Silver (Argentum) and Gold (Aurum). These three spiritual flames if meditated on and visualized are incredibly powerful and dynamic in their presence which activates our consciousness to receive healing, awareness, health and better understanding of ourselves and our connection to the Universe. This is key in transcending all self-imposed limitations as well as rising above limiting spiritual paradigms. The center circle is the heart of this sigil and a sigil in its own right. It is inscribed in Latin with the words, Emerald Fire (Smaragdus ignis).  The Significance of the emerald fire is that it is an energy symbol denoting the art of spiritual alchemy given to humanity, according to Hermetic Mystics, by Hermes Trismegistus which is the Ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom Known as Tehuti or Thoth. 

The ancient art of alchemy spoke of transforming base material 3rd dimensional consciousness into a golden 5th dimensional consciousness which would naturally trigger the process of transmutation changing our physical / material existence to a more spiritual one. These teachings are thousands upon thousands of years old and are called “The Emerald Tablets” of Hermes Trismegistus. Visualizing the emerald Flame initiates this process within our subconscious. Within the upper triangle are the triangular symbols denoting the eternal power of Water (Left) and air (right) and the lower triangle shows the elements fire (left) and earth (right).
The Hermetic alchemical symbols denote the four phases of the spiritual alchemical transmutation process. 


The Infusion of the “I AM” force. The Infusion of the three flames and the emerald flame to imbue the consciousness with transcendental energies enabling the alchemical process of transmutation, to be initiated within your consciousness and subconscious.  


The purification process in which all Dark Energy Constructs or D.E.C.’s are dismantled. Dark Energy Constructs are energies that we have created through our experiencing of negative, traumatic and painful events in our lives. These energies are what we call “Demons” or “Inner demons” or commonly called “issues” and can, if unchecked, become sentient entities which are parasitic in nature and cause us harm. The purification process is key in breaking them down and ending their power over us so that we may grow and evolve. Growth and evolution is not possible when we have unresolved issues in our subconscious that have not been dealt with. Once we master ourselves and release the negativity we hold on too, it no longer defines our existence. Issues such as guilt, powerlessness, insecurity, hate, fear and anger are released through the purification process. The Dark Energy Constructs around us that we generate will lose power over us and we regain it thus, allowing them to disintegrate freeing ourselves to become more than what we are. 


 A process of releasing energies that are no longer necessary or useful (D.E.C.’s and other negative polarities within your spiritual awareness) to concentrate both the transformative agents (The flames) and your consciousness which allows for higher levels of positive energy, light and union with your higher divine self or GOD self to emerge facilitating ascension. 


The final stage in this alchemical process is sublimation. In this stage the consciousness and spiritual state of being is altered to a higher, more evolved and mature spiritual state. Having transmuted self -created, environmental, ambient and self-aware negative energies that harm you and hold you back, you are liberated from self-imposed obstacles. The subconscious is clear and better able to harness and promote positive energy as well as create positive energy constructs that enable to you to evolve spiritually and create positive future possibilities, without self-imposed hindrances. 

Interesting to note that when one releases self-imposed limitations, outside limitations are less powerful and much easier to surmount.  

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