Friday, February 14, 2014

About Smudge Sticks, Cleansing Rituals and Negative Entities

In paranormal investigations and house cleansings, the use of sage in the form of smudge sticks is fast becoming a way of ridding ones environment of negative energy and entities. This is an ancient practice used by Native American tribes throughout the United States and has been in practice for thousands of years.Sage is a sacred herb which carries the blessings, powers and protection of the ancestors and is a medium used to bridge the divine sacred to mankind.  This is good to know when working with the herb.“Using” something is NOT the same as “working” with something. So a paradigm shift in terms of how you think about spirituality is always helpful when embarking on any spiritual work. Know what you’re working with and why you are doing what you’re doing. Intent is half the battle.

When smoking your home with sage remember to open all windows and doors so that which is uninvited can take their leave. Smoke every corner and every nook and cranny of the house,cupboards, draws, closets, cabinets, the garage, rooms and any enclosures there maybe. Do NOT perform any ritual, under the influence of intoxicants or illicit substances. It is extremely disrespectful and you leave yourself open to spiritual and psychic attack. It is always beneficial to have someone with you when performing a cleansing. Safety first. Always.

Repeat as much as possible with passion and feeling an affirmation, mantra, prayer or spell while smudging your home. This focuses your intent even more so and the uninvited energy or entity will be compelled to listen and hear you. Please remember that no matter how successful the smudging is you are going to have to repeat this cleansing ritual once a week for at least 6 months to ensure that the negative energies or entities do not return and to neutralize there hold over the environment and their hold over yourself. Once just isn’t going to cut it. Negative energy and negative entities are driven by the corruption, ending and the feeding upon of innocence. If they cannot possess you they will destroy you and never stop trying until you stop them. That’s the short and the long of it. Period.

Not all entities are negative. Some are just lost, angry, bored, confused and afraid. These ghosts or lost souls need your prayers and if possible help in crossing over to the light. This is done by dislodging them from the environment by smudging or by holding a different type of ritual. This should be left to those that know how to do this. A simple uncomplicated way to help lost souls is by lighting a candle and saying a prayer for them. Keep in mind that you still need to state your boundaries because they are still very distressed and desperately crave life and will feed off of your living energy whether it’s conscious or unconscious so you still need to be very vigilant.

Inhuman spirits are a whole different level of entity. They are Ancient, predatory and parasitic by nature. Some are older than humanity and others were created by humanity. Environments have a tendency to record the traumatic or ecstatic events and play them over and over again creating what is called echo energy. When there is an overabundance of traumatic echo energy in an environment, the environment can become a vortex where the spiritual world and the physical world converge. From echo energy it will evolve and become a vortex. This vortex environment begins to attract both positive and negative energy it now has the strength to convert positive to negative and can feed on and utilize both. It begins to feed on outside energy sources on its own because it will attempt to evolve further gaining consciousness.This means the vortex now is evolving into an entity. This is a common demonic paranormal occurrence. It is Just as difficult to deal with and very dangerous.Anywhere there has murders, violent deaths, violent crimes, war, bloodshed or where the earth has tasted blood, has traumatic echo energy. This echo energy evolves into a vortex then into an entity. Everything evolves. Everything.

To neutralize this type of entity is difficult and being a Brujo (Witch Doctor) myself, I resort to magic and the old ways. Demons are nothing to trifle with and sage smudge sticks are not going to cut it. You’re going to need to get in contact with a Priest, Psychic Medium or other person that, as the Native American’s say “Walks the red and blue road”. This means a person that lives and is of both the world of the spirits and the world of the physical like a Priest / Exorcist, Medicine-Man, Shaman, Witch, Brujo, necromancer or someone that deals with the supernatural and that has been born in to it preferably. They are less inclined to become possessed as regular person. “less inclined” does not mean that it can’t happen; it just means it’s rare.

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