Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Santa Barbara CANDY MAN (Los Angeles Times story.)

NOTE: (Admittedly this post on my Grimoire has nothing to do with magic. It does however have everything to do with revealing hidden truths, healing and helping people. I am and have always been, passionate about helping others. Protecting others and revealing hidden truths for the living ashit well as, the dead. This is for them. )

What is being effectively covered up is that the Santa Barbara County Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Services (ADMHS) used Dr. Julio Diaz as a pain management and psychotropic medication resource for county case managed dual diagnosed and mentally ill patients. Through 2008 to 2012 many of these indigent, homeless and senior citizens died due to over doses, improper medication prescription and improper medication monitoring. When I was a case coordinator for the Faulding Hotel (A permanent supportive housing facility for the low-income.) from 2008 through 2011, I brought this to the attention of the County Mental Health but was quickly told I wasn't qualified to discuss the issue. The County used Dr. Julio Diaz to prescribe medication and monitor ADMHS patients because it was "cost effective" knowing that he was not a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist and had no background or "business" prescribing medication to the mentally ill or dual diagnosed. In my opinion, the county ADMHS is an accessory to the deaths that happened since they employed his services. But since these people were poor, forgotten, addicts, in recovery, mentally ill, dual diagnosed, disabled and old, they feel they can totally get away with it.

Non-profit agencies that worked with these communities and ADMHS, were aware of Dr. Diaz's shady practices but shut up about it to ensure their grant funding. They are equally culpable. Let's  keep this shit 100%.

 Doctor known as 'Candy Man' convicted of trafficking in pain medications http://fw.to/GfWBBwb

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