Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Have you been feeling more emotional than usual lately? Even over-emotional and hypersensitive? Are you or have you experienced recently, a state of being "scatter brained" and your mind going "a million miles per minute". Migranes, followed by deep and intense emotions of sadness, helplessness, vulnerability  and fear? Are these things common to you? Have you always experienced these things or are they symptoms you started experiencing only a couple of years ago?

While I would be remiss if I didn't suggest you seek medical, psychological or psychiatric help which is highly important do if you are experiencing these symptoms, you can also, simultaneously, explore spiritual and psychic possibilities.

For example, I have noticed a great many people have been "out if the blue" developing psychic and empathic abilities. These abilities leave you open to experience the emotions, thoughts and physical sensations of others around you. With these abilities you can be open to spiritual, emotional, mental, psychic and echo energies which can give you the sensation like you are losing your mind.

Right now around the world, people are spontaneously developing Psychic and Empathic abilities to varying degrees of strength. Especially children who are born with these abilities but are taught and conditioned to suppress them. Well guess what? Our defense mechanism to suppress our natural psychic abilities has been hacked and these abilities refuse to be ignored. They are active and need to be acknowledged and controlled which can be done in the following ways:

* Meditation
* The use of Binaural frequencies  (Theta, Delta frequencies to be specific.)
* Understanding that you are not crazy! (Very important!)
* Asking your Ancestors, guardian angels,  or your specific pantheon or sacred archetypes for Spiritual guidance and assistance.
* Research the spiritual, Psychic abilities and the Paranormal.
* Consult your M.D. or a Spiritual therapist if you feel you maybe experiencing a combination of psychic abilities and possible mental health issues. (Admitting possible mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed about nor is it a hallmark of weakness. It rather denotes courage and the willingness to overcome obstacles which is a survival trait not everybody has.)

Those who are experiencing this "Psychic Awakening" will go through or are going through a "Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Psychic roller-coaster." Because of this they will instinctively develop coping methods such as:

* Addictions (Any mind altering medium of Self-medication.)
* Alienation. (They will seek to distance themselves from people to diminish the influx of energy they are siphoning from them and to decrease the emotions and thoughts they are absorbing.
* Confrontations. (This will happen because the expulsion of all "undealt with" experiences in the subconscious are automatically exhumed to make room for all the information and energy you are absorbing by way of your abilities.)

Because this is a Psychic and Spiritual global event, this is happening to almost everybody to varying degrees. It's happening right now and it will continue because we are spiritually evolving at an accelerated rate. Do your research and investigate this phenomena as best you can. To manage the discomfort, use the techniques I've listed above.

Just an FYI.


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