Friday, August 5, 2016

Newest Spoken Word Poem entitled: "LET'S..."

Let's keep it multidimensional. Inspirational. As we wade through the waters of iniquity, life steady hitting us intermittently, we can still keep our souls sensational. Aren't we tired yet, of the confrontational?

Let's realize we're all gifted. If we can't lend an open hand to the next man or wo-man, or understand we're all one people, then no one can get lifted.

We must've missed it. The point. How some subconsciously anoint themselves as the chosen. False superiority is the true minority, within that self-destructive paradigm, we all remain frozen.

Let's accept the light within the darkest part our selves. Hidden by the secret shames and hells, we visit upon our selves, while blaming somebody else. Let's acknowledge, that when we conform to the norm, we become nothing but empty shells.

Let's embrace the fact that true revolution is spiritual evolution. Let's recycle the spiritual pollution of orthodox religion designed to subjugate and reinforce the false dogma of humanities profligate state. This illusion has become an institution. Our Physical and material absolution, is born from our spiritual solutions and contributions.

To one another.

Let's keep it multidimensional. Inspirational. As we wade through the waters of iniquity, life steady hitting us intermittently, we can still keep our souls sensational. Aren't we tired yet, of the confrontational?

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