Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hecate: Mother of witches, the wise and so much more...

Days sacred to Hecate: August 13, November 30th, the 13th of every month.

On my work, study, research and practice with Hecate who's is an ancient Mother Ancestor/ Deity and powerful feminine personification of the elements of creation. I found out some little known secrets that I believe she allowed me to know about her. It is my honor to share them with you the reader.

Ancient Egypt predates Greece and Rome by roughly 6000 years. Ancient Egypt civilization came about 7000 B.C.E while Greece came to be around 900 B.C.E.and Rome around 200 B.C.E much of their deities were assimilated from older and surounding civilizations. In Ancient Egypt there was a female primordial diety who was not only the sacred keeper of Secret universal knowledge and power. She was the power of light and illumination, enlightenment and bringing light to the dark. She was the sacred midwife to creation and the Gods. Fierce protector, bringer of light and life, her symbol was a frog because all life in Egypt depended on the water of the Nile river, the fertile Earth Which provided food and nourishment and the sky. The ancient Egyptian primordial was named "Kerhet", "Heqatat" and /or "Heket". The Greeks called her" Hecate" pronounced (Heh-kaw-teh). Hecate can be arguably, traced back to Sumerian and Babylonian times where she was named Ereshkigal,  a Annunaki/ Goddess of the underworld.

Being a promordial, Hecate is not a Goddess but rather, a Titaness. The Titans were the Greek version of the primordials. The first children of mother earth. Who herself, was personified as the first mother of creation.

The mother of Hecate was the Titaness of the constallations, Stars, falling stars and nocturnal oracles. Her name was Asteria. Hecate's father was the Titan of destruction. His name was Perses.

A most powerful secret I uncovered is that the majority of the Titans power resided in the primordial elements of Earth, Sky and Sea. Tracing her lineage back to Gaia. I found that per Greek  mythology, Gaia had children not only with Uranus but also with Pontus, the Titan of the Sea predating the Olympian GOD and descendant, Poseidon. Why this is interesting is that Hecate is the only Titan that seemed to inherit, absorb or take on the powers of all the Titans Combined!  The planetary and star knowledge,the power of light, the power of the moon, animals and wilderness,  the powers of night and cover of darkness, intellect and the study of the natural world and the forces that move it, prophecy, harvest and fertility, the sun, dawn, dusk, twilight, the underworld, Love, chaos, Aether, time, the cosmos, Destiny, fate,divine order, law, memory, music, theatre, poetry, Astrology, Astronomy, thresholds, gates,doorway, travel, sorcery, witchcraft,necromancy, secrets, the hidden, movement  and so much more. She holds the power of all the Titans within her.

Hecate possesses the power over birth, life, death and the passage of time which is emphasized by her triple aspected image of Maiden, Mother and Crone.

After Zeus conquered the Titans he not only spared Hecate, he honored and gifted her with dominion over a portion of Earth, Sky and Sea.

She is known also by her Roman Name "Trivia" and was feared for her power. (I'm sure the heavily saturated patriarchal, misogynistic and male dominated society had reason to fear her. She is a powerful Feminine force that even Zeus himself, has a healthy respect for!

That's all the secrets I am inclined to share at this time. I hope this broadens the scope of this most powerful Ancestor to all who work magic.

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