Thursday, June 5, 2014


We humans are powerful creatures. We don’t even have the remotest inkling of our power. Let’s change that shall we? We all have a shadow self. A part of us locked and in the furthest deepness of our subconscious and deeper conscious regions unknown to us. Our darker self is forged by all of our issues, negative experiences, unfulfilled hopes, dreams desires, our fears, guilt, regrets and hurts. Everything we have tried to forget about and everything that we hate about ourselves makes up the anatomy of our darker selves.  This monster lives inside of us and is almost always ignored which allows it the opportunity to grow in strength and power. Power over our lives and the directions we strive to navigate. Everything that is going wrong or has gone wrong in our lives if we think about it and if we can manage to be honest with ourselves about it is at the very least 50% our doing. Mind you not all of the misfortune, trauma, pain and sadness that we have experienced can be attributed to our actions or inactions but at least some of the challenges we have met and currently going through in our lives is of our own creation on a conscious or subconscious level. Have you ever had a friend who seems to be in abusive relationships and friendships? Have you seen people who just can’t seem to catch a break in life? I know I have. I am one of them. I can honestly say that I am responsible for at least half of the calamities, misfortune, sadness, loneliness and pain I have been through. I have found that when we have experienced negativity of any kind it tends to leave a mark inside you. Like a psychic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which acts like a beacon attracting other traumatic and stressful situations to us over and over again because we expect negative things to happen to us and it becomes our new normal. This happens to everybody but we all have different ways of dealing with it varying from ignoring it to helping others who are going through a more difficult version of what we are battling, to shutting down emotionally. 

Our Darker self is programmed to call negative people, traumatic situations and negative things into our life because we somewhere down the line have come to expect it, desire it, need it and because we have come to believe it to be a normal part of life. Here’s a secret; it’s not. the same problems and new ones keep coming to us because we are being asked to face  them and learn how to implement new strategies and behaviors to solve them. As we live our lives we bury so much and absorb so much negativity without properly releasing it that we are generating a lot of negative energy at any given time. This feeds our darker selves and creates a negative vortex that attracts negativity of all kinds and sooner or later it can have physical and material manifestations. In the worst cases it can attract spiritual and psychic parasites feed on us causing all sorts of damage in the lives we lead. I do believe in the evil that mankind does to itself and the spiritual evil that endorses, sponsors and inspires it but let’s not blame it all on them. As I said in the beginning of this subject, we are powerful creatures. We have a role to play in all that happens to us from start to finish. 

We tend to fear the darkness because of what is in the darkness not so much because the darkness is dark. But what really lives in the darkness that we are so afraid of? Our darker selves. No demon, no devil, not evil is more powerful than the evil we are capable of. Look upon your own past and see everything you put yourself through, the pain, sorrow, hurt and the hell you are capable of. A Demons attack will always be psychological, emotional, psychic and spiritual before it becomes physical. So are the attacks of our own Darkness.  Our darker selves tend to become the vehicles we use to hurt ourselves, punish ourselves or echo past negative experiences in our current life. The only way to fix this is to bring light into dark places. To walk the lonely black corridors in our minds and hearts holding a lantern of light, forgiveness and truth. Our Darker self is not evil. It is designed to force you to face that which your fear, that which you hate within yourself, that which you choose to ignore within you. Our darker self can be a punisher for some if we are holding on to guilt, regrets, hurt or pain. Our darker self is the repository of all the negativity we have absorbed and continue to absorb. It is a very harsh and powerful teacher. Confronting this teacher is a form of spiritual alchemy and will transform you into a stronger you. This is a very good way to transmute the darkness that has always been our ignored, angry, tortuous and yet faithful companion.  


Things you will need:

1      A candle

2      2 Mirrors (One to look at yourself with and the other smaller to place in front of you. The smaller one should be about as big as a computer screen more or less.)  

3      Rubbing Alcohol (Empty a little less than half of the bottle.)

4      Agua Florida (Florida Water cologne. Google it. It’s used in voodoo and the spirits and ancestors love it! You will need to pour the some of The Florida Water into the rubbing alcohol.)

5      A cigarette lighter

6      (OPTIONAL) Place Obsidian stones around the smaller mirror. Obsidian is a powerful crystal which is used to bring up your inner demons, fears and your darker self and its energies for you to face and claim power over. The use of these stones in this ritual is optional because they are very powerful and will do exactly what they are meant to do. Whether one is ready or not. They will empower this ritual / meditation greatly but are very aggressive in what they do. They are powerful and aggressive healing stones and some may not be ready for the “spiritual and psychic colonic” that they have been known to bring about. Be cautious.


This ritual / meditation is designed for you to confront your darker self. It is designed for you to depower all the negative energies you are generating, summoning, attracting and holding on to. It is designed to empower yourself and depower the darker self who is also a part of you. It is essential that you figure out what is polarizing your darker self and making it manifest the negativity through you. Once you have done so, you understand it, feel it, heal it, forgive it and love it as a part of yourself you will always have to check on. You are a tremendous power source of light. Use it. 


1      In a room that is completely dark, disrobe in front of a mirror. Stand facing the EAST and say: “Through the darkness I bring fourth my inner light. The light of all life that I am one with I call to me right now that I may confront my inner darkness and the secret power it holds over me that I may be free to bring light to the dark places in my life.” Now turn and stand facing the SOUTH, WEST AND NORTH saying the same thing. Returning back to face the EAST, look above and say the same affirmation. Look downward and say the same affirmation. Lastly looking forward with your eyes closed you say the same affirmation for within. When speaking out loud this affirmation, try to think it and say it at the same time. This fuses thought with action and adds more potency to the ritual / meditation. 

2          Sit down and find a comfortable position in front of a mirror and place the smaller mirror in front of you.  Place the candle to your right without lighting it. 

3      Say this 9 times: “I call you forward my darker self. The part of me that is negative and that never speaks but acts without my permission. The part of me that causes me to befall misfortune, trials and tribulations. The part of me that is attracted to negativity and that attracts that which does not serve me nor helps me to serve others. Hear me as I call thee. By the light that I am I command an audience with thee.

4      Pause and reflect on the first memory you ever had as a child. Remember you childhood, your adolescents, your teenage years, your young adult years and your present. The good, the bad and everything in between.  (Assess what you are feeling remember that everything you feel, hear, experience during this session is relevant.)

5      Say this 9 times: “I undo all the negativity and harm I have done to myself and others. I bring infinite light to myself and others. I forgive myself and others. I let go of the my fear, my pain, my sadness, my guilt, my regret, my anger, my rage, my hurt and loss that I have both known and unknown. I bring light to the darkness and with this light that I bring, I bring, happiness, healing and renewal of self-love. I love myself and I love others unconditionally. The darkness has no power over me. 

6        Light the candle

7        Pause and reflect all the while looking at yourself in the mirror. (Give yourself enough time to actually understand and feel what it is that you are doing. 

8       Carefully pour a cap full of alcohol over the smaller mirror. Place the cap back on the alcohol and Florida water mixture bottle and move it as far from the mirror as your reach will allow. 

9        With your lighter, ignite the alcohol on the mirror and touch the flame that is produced with your left hand by quickly smacking the mirror open palmed and quickly clapping your hands. The flame should go out after that but if it doesn’t, you merely repeat the touching and clapping. (This symbolizes that you are burning the darkness and negative energy within you and all around you inside and out. You can repeat this process at least 9 times but don’t get carried away and always use extreme maturity and caution!!)

1      Pause and reflect.

1       To conclude say 9: “I have brought light to the dark places in my life. Within me and all around me. I am free of shadow and negativity and I have subdued my fears. I forgive myself. I forgive others. I let the darkness of my past go to embrace the light of my future.  My darkness and all within it is conquered, subdued and has no power over my life. My darkness is now one with the light. I am one with the Light. I am the light. Forever.” 

1       Pause and reflect.

1      Blow out the candle. 


This Ritual / Mediation should be done as many times as possible to promote spiritual, psychic and mental clarity as well as to help you get to know your inner self. This will greatly diminish any and all negativity that YOU are generating in YOUR life. You will notice after a couple of sessions that you will be repelled by negative people and you will be disconnected form negative relationships, friendships and all negative situations that do not serve you or do not help you to help others. Be ready to embrace change because this ritual / meditation manifest exactly that! 

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