Friday, January 24, 2014

Da’ath / Abyss…

In everybody’s life there comes a time of darkness, pain, the feeling of being lost and disillusioned with life and deep confusion with regards of one’s destiny and direction. Everybody goes through this period in to varying degrees of intensity and duration. For some, this period can last a couple of months and for others it can last a couple of years. Our ancient ancestors called this time of suffering “The Dark Night of the Soul”. A period in our lives that we must undergo an enforced sacrifice of some sort.  It can happen at any time and sometimes it happens more than once. The Ancient Sumerians, Ancient Egyptians, The dark night of the soul can plague us when we experience strong and painful occurrences in our lives. Such as a break up, death of a loved one, an ending that shifts our perceived reality or belief system. Psychologically it can be considered depression. The Dark night of the soul is the depression of the soul. When all we see is darkness in others and ourselves, we are ruled by fear, anger, frustration, pain and loneliness. No matter the joy, happiness and love we are afforded we just can’t seem to let all that in. Many suicides, homicides, and their attempts can be attributed to this. Magical people the world over know this feeling because it is the initiatory realm the merges with this one when you first come into your own abilities. It is also the realm known as purgatory and the abyss. It is the realm where both the light and the dark are nullified and the soul wanders lost until it chooses the light or the dark. It is also the realm where one can search and find enlightenment or find its destruction and oblivion.

The dark night of the soul is the entering of the realm of darkness known as the Abyss. In Ancient Hebrew it is considered the 11th branch on the tree of life. This Dimension is alive and merges with your perceived reality so using your consciousness and soul as the anchor. When this period is ongoing in your life you are in actuality walking into worlds at the same time. For example, it’s like a dream or nightmare world of your own design blended in to your everyday regular reality. The Angel of the Abyss is named Abbadon. The Angel of the pit. Many clerics and theologians and priests have confused this Angel as Satan but it is not. The Angel of the Pit is however, just as intimidating because he represents the Wrath of GOD, destruction and Oblivion of all that prevents GOD’s light from being emitted and transmitted. Abbadon punishes most cruelly and exalts the name of GOD and communicates and protects most ardently all those who seek enlightenment.

Why does the Abyss exist?

The Abyss exists because before we can become enlightened, we must first traverse the shadow and the dark. Within ourselves and the worlds we find ourselves in. Wisdom comes from suffering, endurance and surviving just as joy and love come from living, learning, respecting and sharing that joy. The Abyss, purgatory and the darkness of the soul is being cut off from the light of GOD’s grace which we all have, cut off from the light of creation and the light itself which is life force of the universe. This is done to teach Humanity and remind humanity we are the light and have it within ourselves. The only way we can be deprived of this light is by our own refusal of it. The more pain, sadness and suffering we are going through, is subconsciously indicative of what we believe we deserve.  If we are feeling guilty we instinctively call on life to punish us. If we are oppressed by fear life will give us reason to be fear filled. If we are angry we will always be given opponents to fight. We are the architects of our reality. We are helping to create the world we live in. If we are want to be sad life will constantly break our hearts. Life is like a pet that gives us exactly what we want. But the secret is life gives us what we subconsciously want. Our subconscious mind has a different view of who we are than our conscious minds. The Abyss is subconscious fueled and subconscious based. The way you see and feel about yourself via your personality is very different from your subconscious self. To get out of the Abyss you must use absolute truth.

Sit in the darkness and look into the mirror with a candle in front of you. This exercise is better, if you perform it nude. Clothing is not only armor but a way we express our personality. Clear your mind and ask yourself who are you? If you didn’t have possessions, money, nor the friends and popularity, who would you be? Think about it. You’d most honestly would be a person trying to acquire these things! Okay, let’s get to the root of who you are. Why strive for these things? What are they enhancing? What makes you happy if you couldn’t define happiness by possessions, money, friends or popularity? What have you done that makes you the guiltiest in your life? What have you done in your life that makes you the most proud? What does love mean to you? Is it important? Are you a good person? Are you a good friend? Why? These questions are designed to open doors to your subconscious and give you a direct look at who you are. What are you worthy of? If you actually believe this your physical life should resemble what you feel you are worthy of. If it doesn’t and if you aren’t even close to what you feel you are worthy of than you are out of balance with yourself or flat out lying to yourself. Self-deceit and an unwillingness to acknowledge who you really are can kill your spirit. This is an actual ritual known by many names but which I call “Becoming the Abyss”. Looking for the truth within yourself even if it may hurt. The Abyss if utilized correctly can assist in the spiritual, psychological and psychic excavation of your subconscious and deeper unconscious regions of the mind where traumas, forgotten memories and silenced pain resides. These are the things that shape not only who you are and where you are in life but also how you can unbind yourself and free yourself. When one is sad, there is always two reasons why. The catalyst reason and the reason that led to the catalyst reason that made you sad. We sometimes are attracted to that which causes us pain because we have, somewhere down the line, gotten used to being in pain and been taught that pain and suffering is normal and part of love. This is not so. These formulas can be used in all manner of life’s challenges.

Are their Angels and Demons in the Abyss?

Yes. Angels and Demons do exist in the Abyss. Both of your creation and the Real deal. Angels are there to mitigate the presence of Demons. Both cannot interfere with Humanity unless invited by Humanity. Angels cannot, will not and have not interfered with humanity because it would cheat us out of our right to free will and our right to choose, any path we take. Angels are there  for us to make sure we are not preyed on by the fallen and to enlighten us when we seek enlightenment. They are what causes the most pain and suffering in this realm is our self-created demons. Our hidden guilt’s, fears, hates, self-hates, insecurities and self-deprecation are very powerful demons and can be used by the fallen to destroy us. These things make us doubt ourselves and cut us off from the light and more importantly makes us forget that we are the light and thus can never be cut off from it. When we have unresolved issues within ourselves we are cutting ourselves off from the part of us that can free us! It’s like locking yourself outside of your house and forgetting or being made to forget, that you have a spare underneath the welcome matt!  The Angels that are assigned to the Abyss are Abbadon Al (I add the “Al” to because “AL” is the name of GOD that reveals him to be the divine giver and benefactor of humanity.), Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel and Michael whom are Archangel’s of the four cardinal points North, South, East and West. The Demons who are assigned to the Abyss are Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. These are Arch Demons and crowned princes of Hell. This makes them especially dangerous and exceptionally skilled at corrupting souls. Imagine how easy it must be for them to corrupt a lost, confused, lonely, angry, sad, hurt or hateful one!   

How is Black Magic and the Abyss connected?

The energy of the Abyss is directly linked to the lost, forlorn, forgotten and those that find themselves in this realm or subdued by its energies can be subject to black magic. Black Magic is a force that is demonic in nature and formulated to corrupt not only the Black Magician but those around them and their victims and those around the victim. It is designed to increase the amount of souls evil itself can claim. When one is going through the abyss though the Angels therein protect seekers of the light we can still fall prey to the dark. We can still lose are way. We can still become victimized by evil. Black magic is the manipulation of this demonic / Abyssal force that can corrupt, subdue, infect, hurt, weaken, injure, will and resolve, tempt and persuade us to let evil in. Fear, Hate, Anger, Being drunk, Sadness, Depression, confusion etc…these are all openings Black Magic capitalizes to manifest itself. Once its in/ It’s In and very hard to undo. 

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