I post alot about politics.
I even surprise myself sometimes. When did I start to care so much about politics? I've written the White House before during the Obama Administration regarding problems with In-Home Supportive Services and payroll / wage issues. I've written the Governor of California regarding my mother's Worker's Compensation claim and how injured workers were being victimized by a rigged Worker's Compensation Appeals Board system. I've advocated for the disabled here in Lompoc writing and communicating with Mayor Bob Lingle asking for lower bus fares and to make disabled services more affordable for the low income disabled, senior citizen community. I am not an arm chair activist. I've worked for Santa Barbara Child Support Services Division, SB County Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Clinic, The Multi-Senior Services Program, The Geriatric Assessment Program and other Private, Non-profit and religious Social Services. I'm also a Drag Queen whose performed for charities and benefits that helped raise money for the neonatal unit for Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. I am currently a paramedical (Surgical Wound Care, Colostomy and Ileostomy Care.) In-Home Supportive Services Caregiver. Needless to say, I put in work.
But I have to say, my intrest in politics grew with the advent of Obergefell v Hodges. (Gay Marriage.) Then Micheal Brown was shot in Ferguson, Missouri. After that, the deluge of African-Americans killed by police. Then the Trump campaign happened. He called Mexicans Drug Dealers and Rapists. After that shit storm, he became President and I vowed to become an avid and voracious consumer of political information. I have no choice in the matter. As a gay man, my rights are under constant attack. As a man of color, I am seen as a threat and again, my civil rights are under constant attack.
Also, politics intrest me because America intrests me. I love my country. Why would I love America? A Mexican, African-American, Gay, effeminate male who has been the victim of every racist and homophobic slur imaginable since childhood? Love this very racist country? Why?! Well, thats because I'm an American and I'm a fighter. I've never been afraid of the "good fight". The "Good Fight" is fighting for justice, for equality, equity, for civil, equal and human rights and fighting for those who can't fight for themselves by teaching, sharing my experiences and opinions, standing up to all things oppressive, listening to others, respecting the opinions of others while holding true to my own while allowing for my opinions and ideologies to change and evolve as I assimilate new paradigms and learn.
America, to me at least, is a country of fighters, survivors, protectors, defenders and resisters of oppression. It's my home and my ancestors home. I do a disservice to my home, if all I do is see the evil in it without trying to change it. I do immeasurable harm, if I only recognize my woes and hurdles, doing nothing to help my brothers and sisters with theirs. I fight against racism, bigotry, mysoginy, hate, religious superiority and intolerance, greed, the lack of compassion and an absence of ethics. In this era, some are trying to rebrand these character flaws as patriotism. These qualities are all hallmarks of terrorism, not patriotism. They are vices not virtues. These are not American qualities. On the contrary, these are forms of cowardice, knavery and weakness, all of which are completely un-American.
So, I share my posts, my passion, my experience, my heart, my soul, my tears, my hurt, my rage, my hopes my fears and my love knowing what affects me, will eventually affect you directly or indirectly in the fullness of time because we are all one, sharing this earth and experiencing this life together.
I post about politics because in the future when our children and our children's children ask, "How did we get to this point?" They deserve for us to be able to answer their questions, intelligently.
Because they're going to need an answer from people who gave a damn and tried to fight, the good fight.
Whew...! Rant over. 😘💗✌