Monday, November 30, 2015



My name is Alberto John Kennedy. My COMPLETE manuscript “THE BOOK OF BANISHING'S” is in essence, a spiritual / magical Grimoire and “self-Help” manual, designed to assist the beginning or experienced, magical practitioner or psychic, by teaching meditation, Incantation and psychic development techniques for psychic self-defense with special emphasis on the magical invocation of the Angelic presence and the banishment of negative entities or energies.  I developed this book, in a relatable, easy to understand writing style, for those who are besieged by supernatural or paranormal activity and have nowhere to go or no one to turn too. This Grimoire serves as a weapon to arm those people who find themselves in need of immediate protection and information on how to defend themselves from the supernatural and paranormal.

"THE BOOK OF BANISHINGS" was designed to assist even the most accomplished psychics and mediums to incorporate magical filters or transmutation techniques  that can amplify their abilities while protecting them from the toxic effects of negative entities and energies that they channel, which can prove debilitating to a psychic, medium or sensitive. This manuscript can also serve as a tool, to fore- arm those who want to learn to protect themselves, prior to entering negative entity and energy infested locations.

 I am not aware of any magical “Grimoire” in the current market that would be in direct competition with my manuscript. "THE BOOK OF BANISHINGS" assists the reader, neophyte or adept, in developing or increasing their meditation practices and techniques as well as their psychic abilities. My manuscript shares new, unheard of meditation and Incantation techniques, visualizations and spiritual alchemy principles. It successfully blends hermetic, gnostic, theosophical, Kabbalistic and ascension principles with angelic invocations and negative entity banishment incantations, in Latin.


I am a 3rd generation "Brujo" of African-American and Mexican heritage and a occult practitioner with over 20 years of experience.  I have been initiated in two of the 3 initiation ceremonies in Santeria, and have studied, practiced and lived various types of magic such as Voodoo, Palo Mayombe, Kemetic, Aztec witchcraft “Burjeria”, practical Kabbalah, Gnostic mysticism, the creating and charging of Sigils, Angelic Sigils, Wards and Talismans, Necromancy, Native American and Mexican Indian shamanism, and I blend the common principles of these traditions and many others via invocation, incantation, conjuration,  ritual and spell work.  I incorporate my psychic medium abilities with my magical work and have always worked with ancestors, the dead and higher entities as well.  I believe this constitutes a form of “Eclectic Magic”.

**NOTE** My manuscript is currently in the process of being copy righted and thus has already been sent to the United States Library of Congress. The Photo is a Sigil of Transmutation created by me (art also copy righted.) and what I want on the cover of my book.

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