Wednesday, January 24, 2018


I see you.

I see you though I'm far away in the dark.

You think I'm alone.

You can't see me.

I'm not hiding.

I'm hiding what I see.

You see, If I see to much?
I get owned.

If I don't see enough?
I get stoned.

I'm not Joseph or Daniel.
Both kept by a King.
Nebuchdnezzar and Pharoah
are dead and my line is of
The witch of Endor so,
 I'm a do my own thing.

No more acquiescing.
I'm a millenia of entities, ancestors
and magic, all in one. I am made of
The very magics and truth
Everybody runs from.

I've no doubt.  Many will never know what I'm about. I both heal or break steel, stone and bone with the truth I see and speak, while others busy themselves by repeating the words that dead men wrote and put in GOD's mouth.

So many demonize, cannonize, qualify and deify on the bases of their whims and religious lies.  I see the absence of their long ago sold souls, through the hate and ignorance glistening in the shallows of their eyes.

Sold souls versus old souls.

Your dead know me better than they know you. I remember what they told you. I hear what they say and what they keep saying. I light them candles and heal their forgotten hearts while you cover yourself in false righteousness.

You just keep hating and praying.

We see you.

Oh yeah, but I'm alone.


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