Sunday, July 3, 2016

THE ANATOMY OF THE SOUL by Alberto John Kennedy a.k.a. "GRIMOIRE" (A different perspective from a Sorcerer. )


Ancient Egyptian Mysticism believed in Star Gods one of which taught them Spiritual Alchemy and the nature of their exustence. The Anatomy of the soul. 


The Ancient Egyptians believed that physical death is a doorway into another dimension. Their name for that dimension was the Duat. The Duat was the world of the dead.

They also believed that Humanity had seven souls.
SEKHEFET BAI = Seven Souls

BA = The Soul
SAHU = The Spirit 
KHU = The Conciousness 
KHAIBIT = The Shadow
KA = The Merkava, the Astral Body or our souls ability to travel.
SEKHEM = Our personal power, abilities and connection to a higher power and our higher self 
REN = The power of our names.

I include three more souls: 

AKHU = Our light or Electromagnetic field and our understanding of it and what it means.
ANKH = life, life force. 
AB = The heart or emotions. The emotional body.

It's my belief that the psychological and spiritual or, psycho-spiritual shock of death is the result of finding out that after a lifetime of believing our physical existence was a singular existence, we in fact are an "amalgamated" spiritual, symbiotic being. I believe we are comprised of many different beings, that make the complete whole, of our soul. In layman's terms we aren't individuals but each individual, is made up of a collective of concious beings.

I believe that:

The BA our soul upon death automatically becomes one with the original light that permeates all things or the energy source that is both creator and the created.

I believe our SAHU or spirit can join with the BA or cling to what it believes to be real which is physical existence and thus linger until crosses over of its own accord or with assistance.

The KHU is conciousness that is a inherent component of all sentient things and a virtue all of our souls inherently possess. 

Our KHAIBIT or shadow self is all of our unresolved issues, traumas, negative  experiences, guilt, fears and anger. It's our unforfilled wants and our darker, base nature. It is pure psychokinetic energy that is a sentient being in its own right and is loosed upon death. This, I believe to be the nature and origin of shadow people and Poltrigiest phenomena. 

Our KA or Astral body which is capable of traversing great distances through time, space, distance, matter, sound, gravity, light, darkness, death, life, spirit and paralell planes.

Our SEKHEM personal power or abilities which is another inherent component of all the souls which we are comprised of. 


Our REN or our names. The Names we are given, the names we give ourselves, the names we answer too. These all acquire psychokinetic  energy, purpose and life as we live our lives and upon physical death and the separation of our soul collective, they acquire sentience. They are similar to the KHAIBIT or shadow self in that, the REN are psychokinetic in origin and make up. How they differ is that they are not governed by a negative charge and echo the the personality we developed during physical life. 

The AKHU or light is our Electromagnetic Energy which is an inherent component to all living and spiritual things and each of our souls.

The ANKH or life force is what tethers us all to the physical and is the spiritual equivalent to gravity in that it, is the adhesive that keeps our collective souls together just as gravity pulls and holds things together.

The AB or our emotional body is our Empathic self. The source of our ability to feel. I believe the union of our collective souls, the combined power of all of them put together creates our emotions. Our emotions being the result of all our souls working as one and imbuing all of them with the ability to feel.

I believe all things created from the Universe and all things created by that which was created from the Universe, is alive, is concious and has a collective soul matrix.

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