Wednesday, January 27, 2016


You knew me. Very few know me now. I'm a new me. The course of time, love and life never really runs gently or smoothely.

Not by my design but the rough and rugged, fires and fears have refined, the person I am now. Building a deeper understanding of who I am within the matrix of time.

Some revolve. My struggle is to continuously evolve. Like all who rise and fall, I choose to advance to my destiny, even if I have to crawl.


Future. Mine, unknowable to me. Both, a curse and a gift, these tempestuous abilities. I can see, your steps before you walk but the road before me is always a chasm of uncertainty. Such a daunting expanse both Infinity and Eternity can seem to be.

You knew me. Very few know me now. I'm a new me. The course of time, love and life never really runs gently or smoothely.

I try to be. I try to be the better self inside of me. I'm not perfect. I know, no one yet to suffer that lonely malady. I try to honor those who came before me as I honor those who will come after me.

Respect the past to be respected in the future.

I respect the path. Yours and mine. I battle internal conflicts to be as honest with myself and others. To be authentic and genuine.

Sometimes I fail. Storm clouds in my heart prevail. Waves of emotion, yours and mine, assail the very fiber of my being. I never knew what truest emotion and love would entail and what deepest feelings, can truly mean.

You knew me. Very few know me now. I'm a new me. The course of time, love and life never really runs gently or smoothely.

I never am were I want to be. But, I am always where I need to be. I gladly sacrifice my dreams so that others can make theirs, reality. Someone has to be the one to transmute saddness, pain and tragedy.

Self-sacrifice genuinely dealt, can't help but to be felt.

I can feel love. Even when a world is hell bent on breaking it. I've made bonds and broken them so many times, that when I'm given a miracle or two, I'm taking it.

I am at my weakest when I cry for my past. I am at my strongest when I refuse to compare my victories and wealth to others because I understand, it's the soul, rather than money, that is designed to last.

You knew me. Very few know me now. I'm a new me. The course of time, love and life never really runs gently or smoothely.

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