Thursday, September 18, 2014


Simple Vampiric spell to call / feed on the psychic power and life force of YOUR past lives for added power, wisdom, to initiate past life recall and to reinforce your current life and direction. (This ritual / Incantation / Meditation should only be used when in need of consolidating your energy, amplifying your life force and for clarity in your current life as well as for serious matters. Don't seriously deplete who you used to be or you just might not become who you are, thus, never becoming who you're  meant to be!

This spell operates on the premise that rather than time being a straight line i.e; past, present, future, it is seen more as a dimension with an infinite amount of parallels. A dimension where past, present and future are one along with their Infinite parallel versions. This suggests that the past, present, future and all parallel versions there of, are all happening simultaneously.

1) First sage your home or area where you will be casting. While saging say, in a forceful manner, "No power outside of mine and the invincible light can stay and must LEAVE NOW! By the Aramaic names of God: ELAH, ELAH ELAHIN, ELAH AVAHATI, ELAH YERUSHELEM, ELAH YISREAL, ELAH SHEMAYA."  Say this at least 20 times while cleansing your house /  work area.

2) Sit comfortably in the dark with an unlit candle. Relax and allow your eyes to adjust to the dark.

3) Once relaxed say" I call the power, the life force, the will, The passion and the wisdom of my past lives. I become one with all the paths that I have walked, all the lives that I have lived and all the beings that I have been. I call their energy in to me now in this time. In this space. In this life and in this place. Now." Say this at least 10 times. Say it slowly. Let it sink in to your subconscious.

4) Focus on Your breathing. As you inhale, feel and visualize the energy you are calling materialize in a form of a violet mist. Inhale this mist and hold your breath for 10 seconds then slowly exhale. Do this technique at least 10 times.

5) When finished with step #4, prepare to light the candle by saying "I am one with the powers of time, space, distance, matter, light, dark, death and life. I have faith in myself for I was, I am and I forever shall be, the light." Then light the candle.

This is a wonderful and safe way to heal, the self, clear energy, positive medium of empowerment and reconnect with your inner self or soul.

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