Painting by Luca Signorelli "The Devil talks with the Anti-Christ."
You'll know a false prophet by the lies they spout. Engaging you with theatrics, chicanery and equivocation with venomous eloquence, that poisons your heart and mind with doubts.
A false prophet will convince you that hate is good and that love is bad. They will use your religion, your hopes, your weaknesses and your fears to control every thought you have.
They speak shadow words that incite you, that excite you, that move you and ignite you. Casting an illusion of solidarity with others who also have fallen under the sway of shadow, just like you.
The shadow words of a false prophet are designed to awaken your darker nature. Their intent is to control your soul and behavior. They seek to make you believe that not only do you need a savior but that they are that savior. They know most people would do anything for their savior which puts you and everybody else, in clear and present danger.
All false prophets share sociopathic narcissistic tendencies. They will demonize, mock and galvanize the masses against their enemies hoping that you never realize that true prophets, are rare and they never have enemies. Prophet's are usually killed by the people they are trying to save. Prophet's love without violence or inciting violence and for this unconditional love, they are fearless and brave.
False prophets on the other hand, care about no one except themselves. Their passionate rhetoric works like dark spells in the sense that all it does is raise hell. They're cowards. They lie and connive with their saccharine sweet cyanide laced diatribes. They're no better than the Snake oil peddlers who preyed on the settlers by promoting fear and acrimony. They are little more than forked tongued instigators, ego masturbators and two-faced meddlers.
False prophets can make the insane look sane and make the sane look profane. Remember that true humanity has nothing to do with fallacy or profanity. They'll make you second guess your sanity. They are the harbingers of chaos and calamity not by the hands of god or the devil but by the hands of men and women who have chosen to sacrifice their humanity. Sacrificing their conscience and soul for earthly power excusing their using of religion and GOD as a weapon, thinking that they are the chosen ones and perverting the Nazerene's original tenets, of true Christianity.
Shadow words abound turning sister against sister and brother against brother. Making money the new god and man the new devil as we wage war on one another.
Beware those that have hate in their heart and in the words they give their voice too. To love and to lead with love is a choice, to hate another because they are not like you, makes you spiritually vulnerable. Let's not forget that hate is a choice, too.
You'll know a false prophet by the lies they spout. Engaging you with theatrics, chicanery and equivocation with venomous eloquence, that poisons your heart and mind with doubts.
They speak shadow words that incite you, that excite you, that move you and ignite you. Casting an illusion of solidarity with others who also have fallen under the sway of shadow, just like you.
The shadow words of a false prophet are designed to awaken your darker nature. Their intent is to control your soul and behavior. They seek to make you believe that not only do you need a savior but that they are that savior. They know most people would do anything for their savior which puts you and everybody else, in clear and present danger.
Before you are lulled into a state of somnambulance, wake up and take a good look at who you're listening too. Theology dictates that the bible was written by men after their savior, the son of GOD, was crucified again, by men. So, until proven otherwise, the only savior that can truly save you, is you.