What is the significance of a "Blue Moon"? A blue moon happens every 2.5 years and is basically a second full moon in a calendar month.
What it means for pagans and magical folk varies and I've provided a link that explains the various cycles of the moon and the spiritual significance that people have attributed to them.
From my experiences, the Blue Moon affects or at the very least is the harbinger of, upheavals in in all areas of life with special emphasis on emotional, psychological, spiritual, social, personal, interpersonal and familial areas.
Upheaval isn't a bad thing! It just means the "special needs" areas of your life are going to go through serious changes. Change hurts when it is fought against. Usually these upheavals are in areas that are purposefully ignored or neglected. In our lives, we all have problem areas we purposefully ignore as to not make waves and we develop a "let sleeping dogs lay" type of mentality. Well, the blue moon energy creates tidal waves and that sleeping dog is gonna wake the hell up wet and with rabies! This is because issues no matter how hidden, repressed or skillfully swept under the rug of our subconscious, don't go away. They just get stronger and bigger until they inevitably have to be dealt with voluntarily or involuntarily. Your job is to get in touch with yourself and know your self so you are prepared (as much as you can be, anyway!) for it.
The Blue Moon, also breaks up and removes obstacles that never seem to go away, even after you've risen to the challenge! It's important for you to know that the obstacles, delays and apparent "bad luck" that never seems to give you a break is karmic lessons you are refusing to learn. How the Blue Moon corrects this is, it temporarily dissolves these karmic lessons since you are not ready to learn them and brings in the lessons you can assimilate. Once you are better prepared the lessons that were dissolved will rematerialize but you will have a better understanding of them and will be able to make short work of them. The Blue Moon grants people who have been going through harsh experience a reprieve and assistance on a cosmic and astrological scale.
Another blind spot that the Blue Moon affects is past issues. The past issues with self and the true you as well as. others who know the true you. Those who are meant to stay will stay and those who aren't will show you who they truly are on the inside and the choice will be yours. The best way to surf the lunar tidal wave of energy from the coming Blue Moon, is to be honest and sensitive with yourself and others while maintaining healthy boundaries. Know who and where you were in the past, know who and where you are in the present and reflect on who and where you want to be in the future. Try to focus on the person inside of everyone you interact with.
The benefits of the Blue Moon is that it augments your natural abilities, talents and magnetism 3 fold. Use them for your benefit as well ad others around you. Be clear and sensitive to the other person, when getting things off your chest. Your not the only one with problems, who has been hurt or who is sensitive. When letting go of people, you can make it a clean break and be kind. When forgiving people, don't just say you forgive, ACTUALLY DO IT! Or, don't even bother. These are just some helpful tips to navigate through the energies of the Blue Moon which will take place on July 31st 2015. Keep in mind the effects will be felt 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after.
Hope this finds you all well.
Alberto John Kennedy, a.k.a. "GRIMOIRE"
For more information on the Moon, it's cycles and spiritual/ folk attributions, here is the link I mentioned in my writing.