Thursday, July 7, 2016


Magic =illusion or trickery.

Magick = Magic + k= knowledge. (Occult.)

Explain Platform.

Platform as in, medium, method, mechanism or process.

All magical traditions use one or all of these magical platforms and many other platforms not included in the examples presented here.


SORCERY = Becoming one with, communing with or channeling "external" sources of energy and establishing a connection with external sources of energy to manifest results on multiple planes of existence not just the physical.

SYMPATHETIC MAGICK = The process of incorporating of symbolic acts, effigies, objects, mythological, cultural, historical, religious, spiritual, psychological, occult symbols and effigies into ceremonial rituals designed to elicit a supernatural response or result. Symbolomancy, the divination through symbols of perceived omens or signs. Cartomancy, the divination by cards or tarot cards falls under the sympathetic platform of magic as well.

SIGIL MAGICK = Is a combination of both sympathetic and Incantation magick. Focused primarily on the use of Occult, Mystic and Spiritual symbols.

INCANTATION MAGICK = The process of manifesting a supernatural response or result by speaking, praying or communicating, your intent in modern or dead languages. The utterance of words which have historical, mythological, religious, occult, psychological, spiritual, cultural and emotional significance to you and relates to the subject or reason for the Incantation. Incantation involves all invocation, conjuration and Abjuration techniques.

CANDLE MAGICK= Candle magick is in actuality elemental magick because it employs the elements of both fire and light which is in fact a form of sorcery. Sorcery, is the arcane art of becoming one with or channeling "sources" of energy. Ceromancy, divination by candles.

SACRIFICE MAGICK = Sympathetic Magick focused through the act of sacrifice and the psychological, Spiritual and Mystical transference of life, life force and psychokinetic energy created or manifested, by the act of sacrifice. Incantation can and usually is, combined with this magical platform. Haruspicy, divination through animal innards falls under this platform.

BLOOD MAGIC = A Combination of sympathetic, sacrifice and often times, Incantation magical platforms which are focused through the ritual act of sacrifice. However, blood can and is often used in magical practices or rituals, without the taking of a life or the act of sacrifice. Driromancy, divination by blood.

DEATH MAGICKS = Sympathetic and Incantation magicks focused through the working with, communicating, conjuring and invoking  the dead. The channeling of energy of death itself, through connecting with the realm or dimension of the dead and the use of symbols and languages associated with death and the dead. Necromancy, divination by communing with the dead.

ANCESTOR MAGICKS = A form of Necromancy. A magical platform that is a combination of all platforms of magic focused through the establishing of a connection with your Ancestors as a source of energy, wisdom and power as well as communing and or becoming one with them to elicit a response or result on multiple planes of existence. Necromancy, divination by communing with the dead.

SOUND MAGICK = Sonomancy. The use of sound as a magical platform to elicit a supernatural response or result often combined with sympathetic and Incantation magicks in the form of music and lyrics. Sonomancy, divination by sound.

WATER MAGIC = The use of water as an energy source to elicit a supernatural response or result. Hydromancy, divination by water.

FIRE MAGIC = The use of fire as an energy source to elicit a supernatural response or result. Pyromancy, divination by fire.

EARTH MAGIC = The use of earth as an energy source to elicit a supernatural response or result. Geomancy, divination by earth.

AIR MAGIC = The use of air as an energy source to elicit a supernatural response or result. Areomancy, divination by air and sky.

There are many more magical platforms. These are just a few.

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